Create A Vision and A Mission

What Is A Vision and A Mission?

Having a vision and a mission is very important because it allows you to be free in the face of adversity. It will set you apart from most people because most people don’t know what they want. It starts from dreaming from within. Getting honest, what is it that you really want? With freedom at the forefront, have no mercy toward your goals.

Create A Compelling Vision

It is a leaders job to create a compelling vision for the future. A vision that will inspire you and your team to wake up and get after it. In order to do this, you must feel the feelings of endless possibility. From this place, you can create and stay free. Visualization is an important step in manifestation. When you visualize, you want to focus on the end goal, as well as the steps in the process. It’s not just about visualizing the end goal, but also the bridge in order to get there. Visualizing yourself doing the work will actually lead you to do the work. It is only through actions that we get results. Also, feel what it feels like to the the steps and achieve the end goal.

The Difference Between Fear and Your Inner Guidance

You can distinguish between these things in a simple way. Fear will drive you away from growth to a lower vibrational state, while your inner guidance will lead you to growth, or a higher vibrational state. Also, fear can be used as a tool to develop courage. Were going to have fears, but the question is, how do we respond to it.

Having A Mission

Your level of success will not exceed your level of personal development because success is something you attract by the person you become. Be willing to grow beyond yourself for new change. Your purpose and mission is most important and foundational when getting to the top. This is because having a foundational understanding of why your doing this will give the mission quality, and the ability to endure. Where is your expertise, what is your story, and who do you want to serve?


This is the ability to understand that you may not have the number one podcast right away, but you can get there.This refers to doing what is in alignment with your mission no matter how you feel. Some days you will be motivated, some days you will not. Discipline, and following principles are there no matter what. We don’t rise to the occasion, we fall to the level of our training.

What Is Purpose?

Purpose is what wakes you up everyday with enthusiasm and direction. It gives you a foundation on how to build your life. The thing about purpose, is that it’s not always great, it will give you a lot of challenges as well. I believe the foundation of everyones purpose is growth and service, but how everyone expresses that is going to be different. Your purpose can also change overtime, but not the foundation. I used to believe that it had to be tied in with your career, but not necessarily. Perhaps now, it’s to be the best parent you can be, and maybe in a few years it will be something else.

How To Find Your Purpose

Now that we know what it is, how do we find it? Given that the foundation is growth and service, I would start by working on you. Find peace and clarity within. Overcome past traumas, limiting beliefs, and old patterns. Start becoming the greatest version of yourself. From that place, it will be much easier to know what direction your purpose is in because you got the foundation down.

Blocks From Living Your Purpose

1. Limiting beliefs

These are old ideas that we are carrying around that are perhaps not even ours. They are limiting because they hold us back from living our full potential. A common example is if you believe money is the root of all evil, then your going to be struggling because unconsciously you don’t want to be evil. To overcome this, you must first be aware of what they are, know why, or where they came from, then replace it with an empowering belief, lastly live according to your new belief.

2. Old Patterns

These are old ways of being that no longer serve us. Old habits, mindsets, and practices. Take an inventory of your life in all areas. Health, wealth, relationships, and beyond. What are your habits, your results are a reflection of them. Were talking about being the greatest version of you. This requires sacrificing who we are for what we could become. This requires sacrificing short term pleasures, which are fleeting, for long term fulfillment. They ask, what about fun? Listen here, you will never have more fun, fulfillment and passion than when you are on your purpose because it’s coming from within. Your not reliant on short term dopamine hits that don’t last.

3. Old relationships

I’m not just talking about with people, but also yourself and everything around you. How do you respond when things don’t go right? The quality of our relationships determines the quality of our lives. All relationships start with you. Doing the inner work to be more fulfilled will change how you relate to reality itself. the thing about greatness is that it requires you to overcome yourself. Once you can do that, anything is possible.

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