Circumcision- The Shocking Truth

The History Circumcision

Circumcision started in the United States for the purpose of preventing masturbation. During the Victorian era, they saw sexuality as harmful and should be prevented. They believed it created social and physical sickness. This is how it was first marketed, but that changed when we changed our perception on sex. Then they changed their marketing to its cleaner and is no difference to sexuality; even know their intent was to change sexuality in the beginning. Even for religion, the purpose was to not focus on sex, but focus on God.

Why Are People Still Doing This?

John Harvey Kellogg, the inventor of Kelloggs cereal, had another strange invention. He was very bullish on reducing sexual pleasure because he believed it to be the root cause of disease. He was the main reason why circumcision started in the United States. The goal was to reduce pleasure and prevent masturbation. I don’t think he succeeded on the ladder. Strangely enough, this was his same goal with cereal. As you will see in the next section, the foreskin is very important, and we have it for a reason. Our creator did not make a mistake that humans have to go fix; especially not on the part that is responsible for reproduction. “Research” shows that uncircumcised men have a 10x greater risk in a urinary tract infection. The problem is that is a relative risk reduction. The actual numbers in the study was 1.1% for uncircumcised and .1% in circumcised. This concludes an absolute risk reduction of 1%, and thus is not statistically significant. That means it’s not clear the 1% difference is because of the treatment or not. This means that 100 boys would need to be circumcised to prevent 1 UTI. I’m all too familiar with this type of medical dogma. All of the positive studies in circumcision seem to be in this format.

The Purpose of Foreskin

1. Sensitivity

The foreskin contains Meissner’s corpuscles, which are very sensitive nerve endings. They especially are sensitive to light touch. If you run a finger gently across the palm of your hand, it feels much more sensitive if you did it quick. These are Meissner’s corpuscles. The back of your hand would not have this sensation.

2. Protection

The foreskin itself has lubrication and is designed to cover the glands. The glands need to be protected from elements. If you rub a body part a lot, like an elbow something happens called keratinization It’s the process of developing rough, or callused tissue.  Many men have dry glands because they have no protection.

3. Less friction during sex

When a man is intact, the foreskin glides during sex. This makes it more pleasurable for the man and you need less friction. It’s much easier to glide in and out of the vagina.

4. Immunity

Foreskin secrets anti-microbial agents such as Langerhans cells, which keep the glans clean.


Trauma Therapy

This can be hard for some people to talk about because we have to admit that there’s something wrong. When a baby comes out of the whom, it’s supposed to be loved and held, not get its dick cut. Trauma stays in the body until he deal with it. Many men feel grief when they learn the truth. So much so that they’re are 100,000s of men around the world actively restoring their foreskin. I will talk more about that in the next section. Somatic therapy can help with this, and works directly with the body. There is also therapy that works directly with the unconscious mind. This will help deal with the emotional trauma at the root. It’s important to forgive yourself if your a parent, or the man. Were all doing the best we can.

Foreskin Restoration

This is a process that is able to restore the foreskin. It has been done sense the times of the ancient greeks, where foreskin was highly valued. Foreskin restoration pulls penile skin in the proper position until a new skin forms over the glands. You do not have the nerve cells with this foreskin, but you do have the protection. They are also looking into regenerative medicine methods of restoring foreskin.



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