Power Of Belief- What Is It, How To Build It, and Believe In a Greater Future

What Is The Power Of Belief? The power of belief is immanent in all things. The story of the one, the story of freedom. Belief is the ability to speak things into existence. The ability to stand tall and stay with what you believe in. The ability to stay true in the face of adversity. How To Build Belief Belief can be built through a variety of ways and tactics. The most important thing is to believe that you are the one, and...


Will- What It Is, Philosophy, and How To Build It

What Is The Will? Will is the ability to bring things into existence. The ability to see the future and make it happen. There are certain things that can strengthen the will beyond all measure. It comes down to having a synergy with life and enveloping certain practices and habits to work. Will Philosophy Will power is often looked at as inferior. This is because these people don't know how to harness it. harnessing it requires intention and attention. It's not that will...


Peace and Harmony- What It Is and How To Develop It

What Is Peace? It is the ability to be content with oneself despite the circumstances. It involves an internal landscape that has been cultivated by healing our past, and a desire to move forward. This is important because getting over with it and on with it is key to growth. How To Obtain Peace 1. Healer heal thyself This is the understanding that it is our duty to heal ourselves. This is because we carry our energy everywhere we go. Where ever we go,...


How To Be A G- Do It Like It’s Nothin, Boss Up, and Expect To Win

What Is A G? A G operates out of speed precision, and is purpose oriented. The attitude of a G consists of not giving a fuck while moving toward a worthy ideal. How To Be A G Do it like it's nothin- I do it like it's nothin, meaning I wake up everyday and do what I say. I know that I am the one. I have been qualified by God to be here in the form of challenges. Why would I walk around...


Bone Health- What It Is, Issues With Conventional Care, Things To Avoid, Acid/Alkaline, Omega 3/Omega 6, and Micronutrients

What Is Bone Health? Bone health is the ability to have strong bones into older age that are well mineralized. They are strong, sturdy, and well balanced. This is completely possible if one undertakes the right practices. The Problem With Conventional Care Bisphosphonates- These drugs are only able to be taken for the max of 10 years. It has been shown to significantly increase cancer risk. They increase the levels of mastitis in the body as well as decreased levels of calcium and...


Creativity- What It Is, How To Develop It, and Hinderances That Block It

What Is Creativity? Creativity is originated knowledge from within. It's the ability to be and express oneself. Creativity is important because without it you will be susceptible to propaganda and the matrix mind. Cultivating creativity is a skill and can be developed by anyone. How To Develop Creativity 1. Know thyself Knowing thyself is simple. It has been known sense the dawn of time; if we look at many ancient cultures, weather it be ancient Egypt, Greece, or beyond; the masters new they could...


Self Doubt- What It Is, Causes, and How To Eliminate It

What Is Self Doubt? Self doubt is the inability to stay in alignment with your highest self during unideal circumstances. It keeps us from living our best lives on all levels. It's okay to have some, but do not let it grow and consume. It's important to be aware of it and the source so we can transmute it until something powerful. What Causes Self Doubt? 1. Past experiences This is a very common one. Things that go unhealed remain with us until we...


Self Compassion- What It Is, Things That Negatively Impact it, and How To Add To It

What Is Self Compassion? This is the ability to have kinship with oneself in the face of difficult circumstances, or everyday life. This is important because it helps us be more resilient in the face of adversity. Beating ourselves up has the opposite effect in the long term. Developing a solid relationship yourself and having integrity is key. Things That Negatively Impact Self Love 1. Comparison When we start comparing ourselves to others, we tend to degrade our value. It usually stems from not...


Legacy- What It Is, How To Leave One, Spirituality, and Purpose

What Is Legacy? Legacy is the ability to leave a better world for future generations. A world that is better because of the impact you have made. This takes being the greatest version of oneself. Sacrificing who you are for what you could become. Giving up all negative behavior that leads to generation. We never up short term gratification over the mission. The mission always comes first. How To Leave A legacy Understand your actions- Understand that your actions have the ability to create...


The Power Of Gratitude- Growth and Service On The Mind, Proven Benefits, and A Vision For A Better Future

What Is Gratitude? This is the ability to be grateful for our current life. It does not mean that we necessarily have to like everything that has happened, but we can at least be grateful for the lessons. When we do this, we become a victor and not a victim of our story. The great thing is that we can then pass this on to further generations. There is a field of science called psychoneyuro biology. This indicated how we think...