Bladder- What It Is, and How To Keep It Healthy

What Is the Bladder? The bladder is part of the urinary tract system, which also includes the kidneys, ureter, and the urethra. The bladder is made up of muscle, and it's primary role is to store urine. It can stretch and contract. Things That Damage the Kidneys 1. Pesticides Pesticides have been shown to significantly impact the markers of kidney disease. 2. Toxic air The air that we breathe is very important. Often times, it can carry unwanted toxins for a variety of reasons....


Gallbladder- What It Is, Things That Negatively Impact It, and Best Practices

What Is The Gallbladder? The gallbladder is a green organ do to storage of the bile. It also drains bile, aiding in digestion and fat absorption. It is pair shaped, and located beneath the liver. Things That Negatively Impact the Liver 1. Vegetable Oils These oils are oxidized on the store shelf because they require very high heat in order to be processed, which damages the oils. This is hard for the liver to process. 2. Carbohydrate overload Eating too many carbohydrates specifically in the form of...


Skin, Hair, and Nails- What They Are, and How To Care For Them

What Does It Mean To Have Healthy, Skin, Hair, and Nails? What Actually is the Skin? The skin is the largest organ in your body and the outer most portion of the nervous system. Because the skin is part of the nervous system, stress can have a major impact on it. The three layers of the skin are the epidermis, dermis, and the hypodermis. Some roles that the skin plays are absorption, elimination, receiving light. Your skin does not operate in a...


Lung Health- What It Is, Things To Avoid, and Best Practices

What Are The Lungs? The respiratory system consists of the nasal passages, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, lungs, and diaphragm. The right lung consists of three lobes, while the left one has two. The lungs are actually spongy as opposed to hollow. The bronchioles have something called alveoli, which are responsible for the respiratory process. How To Keep The Lungs Healthy Things to avoid- 1. Smoking Smoking can change the color of the lungs do the tar. Also, it can cause a size imbalance because the different...


How To Be A Great Teacher- What It Is, Self Empowerment, and Coaching Skills

What Is A Teacher? In the truest sense of the word, a teacher is a guide that acts as a mirror for you to be the greatest version of yourself. A teacher has accumulated enough wisdom through experience in a particular area to reflect what is possible. A teacher knows the ins and outs of a craft, and is actually working on expanding it, and inventing new ways. How To Be A Great Teacher 1. Awareness Awareness is the first step for anything. Awareness...


Generosity- What It Is and How To Develop It

What Is Generosity? Generosity is the ability to look out for life as a whole. Being willing to give, being abundance minded, and genuinely wanting to serve. In order to do this, you must max out you capabilities, and be willing to become the greatest version of yourself. This means giving up old tendencies, habits, and ways of being for a better future. You understand that your not just doing it for you, but you have generations on your back. How To...


Goals- Processes, and How To Have A Goal Setting Process

What Is The Process Of Setting Goals? Goal setting is very important for a variety of reasons. Having goals allows you to have an aim that you work toward everyday. Many people are aimless, and it doesn't have to be this way. Writing goals down and reviewing them will help keep you on track. There is something about putting pen to paper that can't be matched. How To Have A Goal Setting Process 1. Set S.M.A.R.T. goals Many of us have new years resolutions,...


Enthusiasm- What It Is and How To Develop It

What Is Enthusiasm? This is the ability to stay passionate over the ling term. Maintaining a healthy mind throughout your success journey. It involves having belief, vision, and gratitude. These three are key because they allow you to maintain the required energy for enthusiasm. The root word entheos, is Greek for the God within. How To Develop Enthusiasm 1. Belief The power of belief is immanent in all things. The story of the one, the story of freedom. Belief is the ability to speak...


Energetic Coherence, Verbal Fluency, and Interviews

What Is Energetic Coherence? This is the ability to align your thoughts, emotions, intentions, words, and actions. Under this state of mind, magic can take place. This is because it will allow you to have the highest energetic power. When your all scattered, so will your energy, and your life. Learning how to become balanced is key. Conversational Skills Interviewing- 1. Have a unique structure This can be dependent on you, but the key is to have a framework, and be flexible within that framework....


Power- What It Is and How To Master The Chi

What Is Power? Power is the ability to generate life force to create the life that you want. There are many tiers of power. There are many tenets to be in place for a powerful life. The key is to stay balanced and ready. Essentially staying ready so we don't have to get ready. Tenets Of Power 1. Mastery Self mastery is the concept of mastering your own reality. This does not mean you don’t have challenges, as a matter of fact, it can...