Censorship, and Freedom

Google is a well know company that almost everyone uses. It consists of about 92% of the search engine results. Google, unfortunately, google is a surveillance company. They primarily make their money through advertising. Google collects data on people in order to do this. They use three primary tactics: surveillance, censorship, and manipulation. The surveillance piece is how they collect the data on you. Every google tool does this. Whether it's the search engine, Gmail, or google calendar. Censorship refers...


Cold Therapy for Fat loss, Resilience, and Circulation

Cold therapy is know as a hormetic stressor. A hormetic stressor is something that you do in the short term that causes a bout of stress, but makes you more resilient in the long term. There are many hormetic stressors, but today I'm going to focus on cold therapy. Cold therapy is the process of using showers, ice baths, and cold plunges to train your nervous system to be more resilient to stress. This does just not relate to cold...


Powerful Morning Routines to Supercharge Your Day

The power of having a morning routine is invaluable. How we start off the day is going to determine how the rest of the day is going to go. It provides you with a sense of normalcy, effectively eliminates wasted days, creates momentum, and an overall better outlook for the day. I'm going to discuss powerful practices to bolster your health, and your mind. The Power of Habit When we set out to create new habits, there is a wonderful structure in...


Environmental Toxins

Today we are absolutely flooded with environmental toxins. Every year 10'000s of thousands of new toxins enter our world. I'm going to go over some of the big ones. Water- In the United States, we are very fortunate to have the systems we do have in place for cleaning our water. In some countries around the world, people are forced to gather their own water from what looks like a mud puddle. People are drinking water that looks like coffee, and is...


Is The FDA Reliable?

The FDA was created in 1906 to prohibit the sale of contaminated food, and drugs. At this time the FDA needed to regulate food safety because there was a lot of food born illness do to poor practices. Companies would add chemicals, or preservatives to food, so you don't know that it had gone bad. The FDA did a lot of good things in the beginning. In 1938, the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act established new drug regulations, including pre-market...


The Covid-19 Vaccine

There's something that people need to know. When people say that the covid vaccine is effective, they are referring to these numbers: Pfizer–BioNTech 95% Moderna 90% Gamaleya (Sputnik) 90%, J&J 67% AstraZeneca 67%. These numbers are know as the relative risk reduction, which is the number of attack rates with, and without a vaccine, but these numbers are contributed to compare results between vaccine trials. These are the only numbers your hearing in the media because it leads people to believe...


Masks And The Pandemic

Today we are going to talk about a topic that deserves attention. We should be able to have an open discussion about this without conflict. Unfortunately, this has become a very politicized, and polarized topic. We really need to ask questions, and begin to think for ourselves. My goal is to not make anyone right, or wrong, but to have people make an educated, empowered decision for themselves. Interpreting the data The research that people go to, so they can prove masks...


The Power Of The Breath

These days are breathing is obstructed do to improper breathing. Many of us are breathing incorrectly do to various reasons. We are breathing through our mouths most of the time. When breathing through the mouth, you are breathing unfiltered air. This can cause an all manner of issues. The structure of your face can change in a negative way when mouth breathing. Chronic mouth breathers have a collapsed pallet, and smaller mouths because of collapsed air ways. This is a...


The Importance Of Dietary Fat

Fat has wrongly been vilified ever sense the 20th century. A man named Ancel Keys was responsible for a big part of it He did research that showed saturated fat causes heart disease. The problem is that he used vegetable oil, which is mainly polyunsaturated fat. We know today that these oils do cause heart disease for a variety of reasons, but Keys pointed to the tiny amount of saturated fat in those oils, and blamed that. This was unpronounced...


The Impact That Sugar Has On The Body

The consumption of sugar has sky rocketed in the recent decades. Today, the average American consumes about 150 pounds of added sugar each year. This is not including sugar that's naturally occurring in food. Sugar has many deleterious effects on the body. Today, we will cover obesity, diabetes, and Alzheimer's. Obesity How does sugar make you fat? It's all about the hormonal impact that food has on our body. Insulin is our bodies major fat storing hormone. Fat does not raise insulin,...