Massage Therapy- History, Benefits, and Methods

History of Massage Clay tablets have been shown in Babylon to demonstrate the use of massage. Around the same time, Chinese medical manuscripts from the Zhou dynasty describe massage as being one of the 5 main treatments of the era. They used a technique called Amma, which involved rubbing and finger pressure on the meridians. Egyptian artwork in the tomb of Ankhmaor show hand and foot massage being performed. In Japan, they used the Amma philosophy to develop Shiatsu, which means...


How we have Outsourced our Freedom, and how to Reclaim it

What is Freedom? Freedom is the inherit state of all human beings. It is not given by man, but by the universe. Freedom is the ability to express ourselves in the highest possible capacity. How We Have Outsourced Our Freedom All of these organizations were designed to be centralized, which means all the power is in one place. In this framework, the truth doesn't always win, but the story does. Social media- The first generation of social media is social media as we know it....


Journaling Practice for Better Focus, Stress Reduction, and Mood

What is Journaling? Journaling is the process of self expression through writing. It connects you to answers that are already within you. It provides an opportunity to pause and reflect. It's really about the integration of journaling in your daily life. That means making you better on the things you do on a daily basis. Journaling also is a practice, which means it's something you get better at as you do it. There are many different ways to journal. Different Types of...


The Importance of Relationships and Connection on your Over all Well Being

All Relationships Start with you This is the most important principle for all relationships. It all starts with your perceived value and what you believe your worth. All relationships begin with who you perceive yourself to be. Make sure that your doing your work on your end of the relationship. These principles are going to apply to all relationships. Self Care Having good self care is very important for your relationships because it's going to effect how you show up. 1. Hydration Our bodies are...


The Sacred Art of Cooking- Reclaiming your Kitchen to Reclaim your Health

Humans have always prepared their own food up until recent times. This has been one of the most important things that have developed the huge brains that we have today. Today, we have virtually everything you could ever want to eat at our finger tips. We can order things from apps, and not even have to open the door to eat. This is not necessary bad, it has its place to try new things and connivence. The issue may be...


The Incredible Power of Juicing for Digestion, Fat Loss, and Energy

What is Juicing? Juicing is the process of blending vegetables and fruit together in a way that removes the pulp. When you do this, it's much easier to digest. Everything we eat has to get turned into liquid, but juicing is already in that form. Food can take 3.5 hours to digest or longer, while juicing can take 15 minutes. A smoothie does not remove the pulp, and has to go through the whole digestive process. Both of them are great. Benefits...


The Incredible Healing Power of Fasting

What is Fasting? Fasting has some remarkable benefits. Today, many of us are over eating. I'm not just talking the amount of calories, but the amount of times we are eating throughout the day. We are not giving our digestive system any type of break. Fasting, in addition to giving your digestive system a break, can assist in a process called autophagy. Autophagy is a process that goes around and cleans up cellular debris It's a process of clearing the body...


The Importance of Sleep and How to Improve Sleep Quality

There are two stages of sleep. We have REM sleep and non REM sleep. REM sleep is classified as dream sleep, this is also where memory processing takes place. Non REM sleep is classified as deep sleep. The first half of the night, we start out in NREM sleep, then transition over into REM sleep. The second half of the night we start in REM sleep, then transition over into NREM sleep. Benefits of Sleep Cardio Vascular- Sleep is critical for heart health,...


Nutrition From the Sea: Nutrients you may of Never Heard of for Cancer, Diabetes, and Obesity

There is a plethora of nutrition that we can get from our oceans and even lakes. So many types of sea vegetables, algae, and fish eggs. Often times, people don't take advantage of it because they may be unaware. Today, I will go over importance of sea nutrition, key nutrients, and how to implement it. Seaweed (sea vegetables) Sea vegetables have been used for eons by humans in different cultures, and for good reason. People in Japan have been documented to use...


Why the Microbiome is a Keystone of Health and how to Optimize it

What is the Microbiome? The microbiome is the community of bacteria that live on us and in us. We are also made of viruses and fungus. Science shows that we are 4-10x more bacteria cells than we are human cells. The bacteria, or probiotics create something called postbiotics. These are beneficial molecules that they make for us. For example, serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is responsible for good mood and happiness. Even know this is for the brain, 90% of it...