Qigong for Longevity, Clarity, and Peace

Qigong is an ancient practice that was developed in ancient China over 5000 years ago. The word qigong translates to energy work. It differs form tai chi because qigong is an umbrella term that tai chi fits under as a martial arts form of qigong. Qigong tends to use simpler movements, while tai chi is more complex. Both have tremendous value, it really depends on your goals. There are actually 1000s of research papers that were done on qigong showing...


The Importance of Magnesium and Beneficial Sources

Magnesium is a critical mineral. It is responsible for over 650 biochemical processes in our body. This means that there is over 650 things our body can't do, or can't do properly. The problem is that the soil is very depleted, so the food that we get is much more deficient in magnesium than it once was. We also live in a stressed world, which depletes magnesium rapidly because it's very important for managing stress. In the U.S, 80% of...


Big Pharma’s Playbook

Before I go in, I need to say pharmaceuticals and surgery have their place, and can be life saving. That being said, there is a blanket lack of integrity in the system. Today, I'm going to go over the strategies big Pharma uses to manipulate data, doctors, and the public. Strategies Detailing- This is a practice for the sales reps who find out everything about the doctor. This includes giving them gifts, finding about what the doctors like to get them lecture on...


Red and Infrared light Therapy (Photobiomodulation)

Photobiomodulation (PBM) is the use of therapeutic wavelengths of red and infrared light. Many of us spend 90% of our time indoors, and get a lack of light. Full spectrum light is from the sun, and is most beneficial, but the sun contains 40% infrared light. Supplementing with this light can be critical for our health, especially if we live in a cold environment. Infrared light penetrates from 700-1200 nanometers (nm), allowing it to go into the joints. It is...


The Hidden Number One Leading Cause of Death (it’s not heart disease)

We know when it comes to disease, the top three killers are heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. In 2015, there was approximately 50,000 drug over doses. However, in 2021 the over doses nearly doubled at 100,000. By far, the number one class of drugs that is responsible are opioids. In 2021, they're responsible for more deaths than heart disease and covid combined. Opioids work by attaching to our opioid receptors and altering our biochemistry. They influence our endocrine system...


Sexual Medicine, Polarity, and Orgasms

Taoism and Tantra are both ancient schools of sexual philosophy that originated over 5000 years ago. They are both similar because they both focus on expanding consciousness, and empowerment. Taoism is a system that originated in ancient China, and it's a scientific system that used sexual energy for rejuvenation and healing. Conscious direction of sexual energy is a big tenet. Tantra originated in ancient India and is more ritual based. Benefits Throughout the Body Cognition- Sex has been proven to stimulate neurogenesis,...


How to Have Healthy Teeth and Gums, Beneficial and Detrimental Practices

The Father of Holistic Dentistry In the early 1900s, there was a researcher, and dentist named Weston A Price. He was very troubled why tooth decay, and dental problems were spreading. Most people were researching how to repair problems, but he asked, why are they happening in the first place. He set out on a voyage to many different countries to find out how primitive people lived, and why they had a great state of health. He documented photos, and learned...


The Problem with Western Medicine, and Adopting a New Model

History of Modern Medicine In the 1900s, scientists discovered petrochemicals from oil. A lot of work was being done to create chemical compounds from oil. At the same time, vitamins, minerals, and life giving compounds were discovered. The scientists were working to make these substances synthetically from petrochemicals. The thing with petrochemicals is that they all can be patterned, and sold for high profits. At the time, natural medicine was very popular. John D Rockefeller, who monopolized the oil industry, had...


Saunas for Detoxification, Mood, and Recovery

History of Saunas Nomads in Finland build the first sauna 10,000 years ago. It used to be a hot hole in the ground, and evolved into stand alone huts. Stones would be roasted over an open flame, and ounce there was enough heat, they got rid of the fire, and got inside. They would splash water on the stones to create steam, endure the heat as long as possible, then jump into an icy cold body of water. Saunas were also...


Natural Vision Improvement

The body is designed to heal itself, and your eyes are no exception. In the united states, about 3 out of 4 people have some form of vision correction, and it's even worse in some countries. Over 100 years ago, the numbers were about 6% of people. Something is clearly wrong. What has changed? Glasses are treating a symptom, but when you remove the underline cause of a disease, it will either stabilize, or get better because there is nothing...