The Ketogenic Diet for Energy, Fat Loss, and Metabolism

What is the Ketogenic Diet? The ketogenic diet creates a state of ketosis by primarily consuming fat. The state of ketosis produces ketones, which are an alternative fuel source for the body. There are three types of ketones, acetone, acetate, and beta hydroxybutyrate, which is the main ketone. When you consume primarily fat in the diet, it gives the body a chance to learn how to use fat for fuel, instead of just glucose. It can also be done through fasting. Benefits...


Cardiovascular Disease- History, Myths, and Real Solutions

History of Heart Disease to Modern Day Heart disease was first discovered in ancient Egypt when they dug up mummified bodies. They have done CT scans in the arteries, and have found atherosclerosis. The Egyptians ate a lot of grains, which could of contributed. Also, the same thing has been described in ancient Arabia. What is the Heart Actually, and What Does it Do? The heart is made up of cardiac muscle, which is striated and involuntary. The heart vortexes and energizes...


Diabesity- Causes, Psychology, and Reversing Diabesity

What is Diabesity? Diabesity is the combination of obesity and diabetes. Diabesity currently effects 1 out of 3 Americans, and is the single leading cause of death. The cause is insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia ( Chronically elevated insulin). This is what causes both diabetes and obesity, which is why 90% of people with one condition will get the other. Psychology of Diabesity I want to preface by saying it’s not your fault that you have diabesity. When we get a diagnosis of...


Obesity- The Inner Workings of Fat, Psychology, Set Point, and How to Reverse Obesity

Body fat is an endocrine organ. This means that it secretes hormones that interact with other organs to regulate your metabolism. Body fat cells can expand 1000x their original size. When we gain fat, we don't gain new cells, the ones we have just expand. We have three types of storage fats. First, we have subcutaneous fat, which is right beneath the skin. Then we have visceral fat which is the number one fat that is associated with obesity and...


Cutting Edge Methods to Heal Plantar Fasciitis

What is Plantar Fasciitis? Plantar Fasciitis is an injury to the fascia at the bottom on the foot. It extends from the heel, all the way to the toes. You know that it's plantar fasciitis when it's chronic pain that doesn't go away easily. When you first get up in the morning is when you typically have the most pain. Most of the pain is in the heel, but it can be all throughout the foot. How Does it Develop? Plantar fasciitis usually...


How to Prevent and Reverse Type 2 Diabetes With Simple, Proven Strategies

What is Diabetes? There are actually three types of diabetes. Type 1 is something your usually born with, and is classified as not producing enough insulin. Sense your pancreas is not able to produce insulin, you need to take it as an injection. Type 2 is classified as producing too much insulin, and the cells becoming resistant to the point that insulin can no longer do its job. Scientists actually classify type 3 diabetes as Alzheimer's. A big cause of Alzheimer's...


Holistic Skin Care- Creating Beauty From the Inside Out

What Actually is the Skin? The skin is the largest organ in your body and the outer most portion of the nervous system. Because the skin is part of the nervous system, stress can have a major impact on it. The three layers of the skin are the epidermis, dermis, and the hypodermis. Some roles that the skin plays are absorption, elimination, receiving light. Your skin does not operate in a vacuum. This means that the health of other organs effect...


Circadian Medicine- Optimize Your Hormones, Digestion, and Cognition by Aligning Your Internal Clock

What is the Circadian Rhythm? The Circadian rhythm is the biological clock that we have that is sinked up with the planet. It's in everyone of our cells, and influences biological processes. Some of these processes include releasing certain hormones and neurotransmitters based on what time of day it is, digestive function, our microbiome, blood pressure, cognition, and thermoregulation. The suprachiasmatic nucleus in the hypothalamus regulates this whole system and initiates the process. This is one of the most studied areas...


How to Become a Health Coach and Live the Life of Your Dreams

Overcome Your Story Most of us in the industry got in to this do to our own health struggles, or that of a family member. Although you don't need to be completely well in order to help someone; overcoming your own health struggles will give you tremendous power and authority to help others do the same. When you overcome your story, you will learn so much in the process, and the most important form if knowledge is through experience, not what...


Reconnect to the Earth through the Practice of Earthing for Improved Sleep, Blood flow, and Hormonal Balance

Earthing is the practice of being connected to the earth. It involves being connected via the skin, usually the feet. Standing in conductive sources like grass, sand, water, snow, and asphalt can have a tremendous amount of health benefits. Up until recent times, our ancestors were connected the the earth 24/7. Now, we are pretty much disconnected from the earth 24/7. Humans are conductive beings because of our mineral content. This is why we can be shocked, and why...