How Bras Cause Breast Disease- Lymph Flow, False Adaptation, and Cancer

History of Bras The very beginning of the bra started with corsets in the Victorian era. These were very tight cloths designed for a hour glass shape. It was very hard to breathe, and sometimes displaced organs. The first bra (brassiere) was created in 1914 by Mary Phelps Jacobs. They became popularized after World War 1. In 1922, a company called Madianform was created which started the system of using cups. In 1947, the pushup bra was created by a company...


Walking for Fat Loss, Blood Glucose, Immunity, and the Power of Retro Walking

Walking is the fundamental form of movement that we know we are designed to do. We are not necessarily designed to move heavy weights in a linear, repetitive motion. We can do it, and it has a lot of benefits, but our genes don't expect us to do it. The gym simulates the movement we would naturally get in nature. Before we learned to ride animals, and other forms of transportation, we walked everywhere. Today, we have a lot less...


How Porn Negatively Impacts Your Brain, Relationships, and How to Quit

How Porn Effects Your Brain As soon as you turn it on, your reward centers in your brain turn on. The reward system includes the ventral striatum and orbitofrontal cortex areas of the brain. Dopamine is secreted through these centers. Dopamine is responsible for seeking, motivation, and pleasure. This is also the reason why people get addicted. These areas light up in any pleasure inducing activity, including music, candy, and drugs. These areas of your brain increasingly get hyper stimulated...


Ozone Therapy for Blood Flow, Immunity, and Longevity

What is Ozone Therapy? Ozone is a gas (O3) that is used in many industries, but for our purposes, we will discuss the health aspect. It was first used back in 1871 in the medical industry. In 1896, Nichola Tesla patented the first ozone generator in the United States. In WW1, it was used to treat infected wounds. In the 1960s, ozone started to be scientifically studied. Today, we have many books, snd research papers on ozone therapy. Benefits of Ozone 1. Improves...


Ergonomics- How Sitting Negatively Impacts Your Health, Pomodoro Method, and Tips to Feel Great At the End of Your Work Day

The Problem With Sitting Sitting is not as all a natural position. Many of our stabilizer muscles that keep us up right get disengaged when we sit, this can also cause atrophy and imbalances. The hip flexors get shorter and tighter. This pulls on the back, making it tighter, and shutting off the abdominals because they're not able to hold up in that position. Sitting also dramatically affects our blood pressure because the blood is not circulating properly. The lymphatic...


The Proper Pooping Position- Squatty Potties, Problems With Conventional Toilets, and How to Improve Elimination

What is the Proper Pooping Position The standard toilet is a great invention for sanitization, but there is a problem. When we sit on the toilet, it puts a kink in the puborectalis muscle. This muscle acts as a sling, and keeps cargo inside, so we don't randomly drop it. When if go to the bathroom, this muscle is supposed to be completely relaxed, but the standard toilet prevents this from happening by putting a kink in the muscle. This can...


Why Am I So Tired? Proven Strategies to Improve your Energy Balance

What is Energy at its Core? The main form of energy that we use is called ATP. This is set in motion by the electron transport chain, which builds mitochondrial density. The next is ATP coupling, this is about efficiency and the processes of the mitochondria. Lastly, we have ATP synthesis, which involves production and output of energy. The average human can generate 100W of energy just by being sedentary. While were exercising, we can generate 300-400W, or even more. Humans...


5 Steps to Overcome Fear and Live the Life of Your Dreams

What is Fear? There is a great acronym spelled F.E.A.R. (false evidence appearing real). I love this because what were afraid of is often not real, or made up in our mind. Everyone experiences fear, and courage is not the absence of fear, but it is doing the thing anyway. Our amygdala is the part of the brain that's responsible for fear, and when were in it, we can not think rationally. 5 Steps to Overcome Fear 1. Presence Presence is the state of...


Chiropractic Care- History, Training, and the Value of Chiropractic

History of Chiropractic Care Spinal manipulation actually dates back to ancient Greece, where Hippocrates focused on the spine. In the late 1800s, a healer named Daniel David Palmer performed a spinal adjustment on a patient. The patient was named Harvey Lillard, who lost is hearing in one ear after bending over and hearing a pop in is upper back. Palmer thought it was related the nerves connecting to the ears. After the adjustment, Lillard regained his hearing. Soon enough people heard...


Mitochondria- The Key to Energy, What damages it, and Steps to Take Improve it

What is the Mitochondria? The mitochondria is considered the power house of the cells, or the energy generators. They actually came from ancient bacteria and evolved in to mitochondria. We have thousands of mitochondria per cell, depending on the type of tissue. They generate ATP, which is your bodies energy currency, and make up about 1/3 of your body weight. We also get all out mitochondria from our mother. How to Improve the Mitochondria Think of you body as a battery, and the...