Viceless- The Path, Stoicism, and Honor

What Does It Mean To Be Viceless? This is essentially the character trait of not being reliant on any vices. A vice is something that separates from the truth of who you are. When you are truly in alignment with who you are and your purpose, that is true freedom. This totally possible, and it is for you. How To Become Viceless Freedom orientation- This is the concept of understanding that freedom comes from within. All vices are an outward expression of inner turmoil....


Why Are Kids Getting Sick? Obesity, Body Positivity, and Being The Model

Children and Chronic Disease According to the data, about 43% of kids have a chronic condition. Also, about 66% of Americans total have at least one chronic disease. Sickness is on the rise of all types. It really does not have to be this way, but we live in an environment where the conditions are stacked against us. What Causes Chronic Disease In Children? There are many factors for this. There is a lot of marketing to kids on poor nutrition. Also,...


Food Addiction- What It Is, Causes, and How To Win

What Is Food Addiction? This can be classified as the involuntary need to compulsively eat food. Food manufactures work very hard to make us addicted to their product. The more we eat of it, the more money that they make. It's not that their bad people, it's just a business model. What Causes Food Addiction? Food addiction has many causes. The reality is that ultra processed food is addictive as it is, so it really doesn't take much to become addicted, the question...


The Truth About Ultra Processed Foods- Health Washing, Food Scientists, Marketing, and Three Processed Foods To Avoid

What Are Ultra Processed Foods? Ultra processed foods are classified as been heavily processed from their original state. They usually contain sugar or vegetable oil. Minimally processed food is different because it only has a few steps of processing, such as olive oil. Every single molecule of food you eat can impact your genetic expression. A hunter gatherer should be able to recognize the food, such as meat, vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, and grains. Even if it's a real food, it...


Burnout- What It Is, Stages Of Burnout, Digital Health, Ask Empowering Questions, and How To Restore Your Chi

What Is Burnout? Burnout is classified as emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal ineffectiveness. It's about having a sense that your not able to handle your everyday life. Not being able to handle your work load, or anything else effectively. Burnout can happen in a variety of ways, but usually a lack of self care. It usually happens over a period of time while relying on vices. Stages Of Burnout 1. Alarm This indicates symptoms of stress and health issues. You may find yourself more...


How To Be A Team Player- Help People Reach Their Goals, Lift Others Up, and Win

What Does It Mean To Be A Team Player? Being a team player consists of many traits and attributes that inspires others to be the greatest versions of themselves. This is very important because as a winner, you want the best for others, and will do anything possible to make it happen. Being a team player is essentially about leveraging opportunity for everyone around you. Help People Reach Their Goals 1. Help people grow The the type of person that helps others reach their...


Appetite Regulation- Sunlight, Temperature, Sleep Quality, Minerals, and Exercise

What Is Appetite? Appetite is regulated by leptin and ghrelin. Leptin is the satiety hormone and ghrelin is the hunger hormone. The metabolism is needed for many thing besides calorie absorption, like muscle protein synthesis and energy generation. Our appetite can be influenced by many factors and we can change it based off of our activity. There is something called the appetite regulating network (ARN) that is controlled by the hypothalamus in the brain. Things That Control Appetite 1. Sunlight Vitamin helps regulate serotonin...


Brain Health- Nutrition, Exercise, Relationships, Mindset, and Peace

What Is Brain Health? Brain health is defined as the ability to function properly with all systems working correctly. Executive function, motor control, memory, focus, movement, ect. Having a healthy brain is critical for our overall experience of life. Often times, the problems in life are do to the structure of our brain. We always focus on the software, but the hardware has a massive impact as well. How To Have A Healthy Brain 1. Nutrition Nutrition is critical for brain health. There are...


Neurology- Somatic Experiencing, Mindset Tactics, and Physical Practices

What Is Neurology? Neurology is the study of the brain and the nervous system. This is very important because our brain is what really runs or life. How we experience life really happens upstairs. Today I will talk about how to boost your neurology to optimize your life. Somatic Experiencing This is experiencing things in the body to heal on a cellular level. A lot of us go through things, but don't fully process it. When this happens, we can be carrying around...


How To Stay Healthy In The Summer

What Does It Mean To Stay Healthy In The Summer? Yes, there are general principles to staying healthy all the time, but there are certain things you can do each season to stay well. In the summer it's obvious, but I would like to go over some strategies to overcome health issues and become the greatest versions of ourselves. Things To Avoid 1. Sunscreen Sunscreen is created to block out the UVB spectrum of light, which is responsible for vitamin D production. Unfortunately, it...