The Science of Flavor- Why Flavor is an Indication of Nutrition, and How Our Taste Buds Have Been Hijacked

What is Taste and Why Does Real Food Taste Good The 5 flavor sensations are sweet, salt, bitter, sour, and umami. There is another thing going on called retronasal olfaction. This translates to back of the nose smelling. When you eat food it stimulates your smell receptors. It travels up the tube to the back of your nose to different parts of the brain. This is actually what gives food its rich taste and character. This is why when you have...


Epigenetics, Genetic Determinism, and Why the Power is In Your Hands

What is Epigenetics? Epigenetics translates to control above the genes. The conventional paradigm indicates that genes are destiny, but this is out dated and inaccurate. You may have a genetic predisposition for something, meaning you have have a higher risk of a disease, but you have influence over how that risk is expressed. Genes are like a blueprint, genes can't do anything of themselves, but the environmental triggers have to be activated. The genes themselves don't change, but whether they express...


Technocracy, the Trilateral Commission, and Freedom

What is Technocracy? Technocracy is the idea that government is run by algorithm and not people. Technocracy describes a form of government in which scientific and technical experts serve positions of political power and make final decisions. The higher authorities appoint a technocrat instead of the public. History of Technocracy Technocracy was developed in the early 1900s. In 1932, technocracy inc. was housed at Columbia University, and Howard Scott was their leader. Howard Scott was discovered to be a fraud, for he did...


SIBO- Comparing SIFO, Causes of SIBO, and how to Naturally Treat SIBO

What is SIBO? SIBO, or small intestinal bacterial over growth is a common condition classified as an imbalance of gut bacteria in the small intestine. They ferment the carbs that you eat, resulting in symptoms such as gas, bloating, pain, constipation, and indigestion. Testing SIBO can be tested with a glucose or lactulose breath test. This involves digesting a simple sugar and waiting to see if the bacteria produce hydrogen gas. What Causes SIBO? 1. Chronic stress Chronic stress can lead to poor gut motility. 2. Sugar Sugar...


Thyroid Disease- Hashimoto’s, Testing, Environmental Triggers, and How to Have a Healthy Thyroid.

What is the Thyroid? The thyroid is a butterfly shaped gland at the base of your neck. It's responsible for metabolism, temperature regulation, bone health, and so much more. The main hormones that it releases are T3 (thyroxine) and T4 (tetraiodiathyronine). T4 gets converted in to T3 by the liver and T3 performs most of the functions for the thyroid. Testing The conventional thyroid testing of only TSH is not going to cut it. This simply tests for the amount of hormones that...


Why it May Be Difficult To Lose Weight, History of Fat, and Importance of Body Fat

Body fat is an endocrine organ. This means that it secretes hormones that interact with other organs to regulate your metabolism. Body fat cells can expand 1000x their original size. When we gain fat, we don’t gain new cells, the ones we have just expand. We have three types of storage fats. First, we have subcutaneous fat, which is right beneath the skin. Then we have visceral fat which is the number one fat that is associated with obesity and...


Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy For Stem Cells, Immunity, and Injuries

History of Hyperbaric Therapy This therapy began in 1662 by Dr. Henshaw, and called it a Domicilium. He believed that people with certain conditions could benefit from increased oxygen and air pressure. In 1834, a French physician built a similar chamber for respiratory infections. He also observed that increased circulation from the oxygen resulted in increased well being. In 1885, Theodore Williams, president of the medical society of London, published his data on Hyperbaric oxygen in the BMJ, and thought it...


Energy Medicine- Energy Fields, and Pillars of Energy Medicine

What is Energy Medicine? There is a variety of forms of energy medicine. It is designed to influence the subtle energies of the body to produce a specific outcome. Our bodies are inherently brilliant, and we can often heal ourselves if we get out of the way. This type of medicine focuses on the energy fields that organize and control the growth and repair of cells, tissues, and organs, instead of just the physical. What healing traditions have known for...


Acupuncture For Healing Injuries, Anxiety, and Blood Pressure

History of Acupuncture Acupuncture originated in ancient China 2000-5000 years ago. It is described in ancient texts such as the Haungdi Neijing as a healing modality. It spread outward of China in 500 BCE, and to Europe in the 16th century. It came to the United States in 1972 when president Richard Nixon took a trip to China. One of his adversaries got sick and got surgery, being sedated by acupuncture instead of Anastasia. After this many doctors traveled to China...


The Carnivore Diet- Organ Meats, Plant Defense Mechanisms, and Healing the Gut

What is the Carnivore Diet? The carnivore diet is a 100% animal based diet. This includes eating everything from nose to tail, organ meats, muscle meats, glands, and more. Each part of the animal has  different nutrient content. This diet has great use for autoimmune patients because it acts as an extreme elimination diet. All plants, as great as they are have built in defense mechanisms. These are plant chemicals that are designed to protect them from being over ate, or...