Internal Martial Arts- Qigong, Meditation, Bates Method, and Inner Work

What Is Internal Martial Arts? Internal martial arts is the ability to develop mastery within. There are a variety of practices in order to do this. There are many ways to cultivate mastery, and become the greatest versions of ourselves. The path to self mastery is within. This is very important because at the end of the day, there's not much more important than the legacy that you leave. These practices will help you forage the character necessary to create real...


Consistency- Dream Hard, Flow, and Stay Free

What Is Consistency? Consistency is the ability to remain congruent with your thoughts, words, and actions over the long term. It's not about being perfect, but improving everyday. This is important because people will know that they can rely on you. Better yet, you know that you can rely on yourself. When you say it, you know it's already done. Also, this will help build momentum to make your dreams a reality. Dream Hard 1 Internal Dream Clock The inner voice that is always...


Maxims Of A Boss- Consistency, Freedom, and Savagery

What Are Maxims Of A Boss? Maxims of a boss are tenets that help you operate out of peak efficiency, while moving toward a worthy ideal.  A boss stays game tight and ready, always having freedom on the mind, and service in the heart. Genuinely wanting to make a change for a better future. In order to do this, you must upgrade your character. Consistency 1. Flow Having flow in your life is so important. It is the fuel that brings your dreams to...


How To Be A Superstar- Awareness, Step Into Your Vision, and Become The One

What Is A Superstar? A superstar is someone who actively works to be the greatest versions of themselves everyday. Then, they turn around and bless the world with their gifts. This is important because we all have gifts, we just have to activate them. Developing ourselves to a degree that we shine to inspire others to do the same. Create a better world, one without rules or limitations. How To Be A Superstar 1. Awareness It all starts with awareness. A quest to be...


Laws Of A G- BDE, Know Your People, and Extreme Ownership

What Are Laws Of A G? A G operates out of speed precision, and is purpose oriented. The attitude of a G consists of not giving a fuck while moving toward a worthy ideal. Laws of a G are principles that when operated out of, will yield maximum results. With them in your possession, you can accomplish anything. Laws Of A G 1. Neuronal scrubbing This is the concept of keeping a clean mind. No matter what kind of dirt you pick up throughout...


Body Composition- What It Is, How To Access It, and How to Improve It

What Is Body Composition? Body composition is the way to describe what the body is made of. When we talk about this, it's usually referring to muscle and fat, and how we can improve the ratios. This can be done with a variety of practices, including sleep, nutrition, and exercise. How To Access Body Composition You can access it through visual appearance, which is perhaps the most helpful. Body weight is another, which is a good can be a tool of progress. Lifting...


Ass Backwards- Racism, Politics, and How To Be A Real One

Ass Backwards- In our society, we tend to have a lot of things backwards. We take real concepts, and take them to the ridiculous extreme to where they no longer make any sense. A lot of times this is intentional by the powers that be to keep us divided. Unfortunately for them, freedom wins. I'm not really going to discuss the topics, but more so how to address them. Racism- Yes, racism is real, and is a concept that keeps us divided. Unfortunately,...


How To Dickmatize Your Woman- Foreplay, Kingship, and Why She Does It For A Boss

How To Dickmatize Your Woman- What is this? Essentially developing your masculine energy in such a way that can't be ignored. Developing healthy masculine traits, such as integrity, freedom orientation, linear moving, consistency will allow you to have the maximum impact. Foreplay- There are a lot of aspects to foreplay. Foreplay is essentially about the everyday tasks and sexual simmer. Are your daily actions a turn on or off for your partner? As a man, are you in alignment with your word?...


The Science Of Manifestation

What Is The Science Of Manifestation? The science of manifesting is about becoming the greatest version of you. Everything you do is of excellence. You don't take no for an answer, you never retreat, and you never surrender. You know that you have generations on your back, and an opportunity to create a legacy for generations to come. How To Manifest Properly 1. Build connections All connections start with you and what you perceive your worth. You build all connections based off of that....


The Breath Of A King- Life Force, Chi, and Service Beyond All Measure

The Breath Of A King The breath of a king, the story of the one, the story of freedom. It is he who is willing to sacrifice who they are for what they could become that will have the world. Being connected to mind, body and spirit is key. Understand that the key to life is knowing who you are. Being genuine and free. The life force energy that we have can be cultivated and shared. Life Force Trust- Trust is the glue that...