Burnout- What It Is, Stages Of Burnout, Digital Health, Ask Empowering Questions, and How To Restore Your Chi

What Is Burnout?

Burnout is classified as emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal ineffectiveness. It’s about having a sense that your not able to handle your everyday life. Not being able to handle your work load, or anything else effectively. Burnout can happen in a variety of ways, but usually a lack of self care. It usually happens over a period of time while relying on vices.

Stages Of Burnout

1. Alarm

This indicates symptoms of stress and health issues. You may find yourself more irritable and upset.

2. Chronic adaptation phase

Your physical symptoms may get worse, having a harder time recovering, and a lack of emotional capacity.

3. Apathy

This is when people stop caring and start using more coping mechanisms.

Digital Health

We have endless access to data. We have a lot of knowledge, but are starving for wisdom. It’s very easy to lose ourselves if we don’t already know who we are. It’s important to be intelligent with our use of technology because it’s not going away. It’s important to be connected to a community that is like minded, and to be of service.

Ask Empowering Questions

This is the concept of being willing to ask questions that move our life forward. Ask the deeper questions that may have lead you to burnout. This will allow for maximum effectiveness and a willingness to change. This requires that you look within and access every area of your life and ask necessary questions to make a change.

How To Restore Your Chi

1. Nutrition

Nutrition is a very important aspect of mastering your chi. This is because everything in your body is literally going to create new tissues. Every single molecule of food that you eat impacts your genetic expression. Focus on first principles, such as eat real food, organic, locally, seasonally, according to genetics and ancestry.

2. Sleep

Sleep is very important for restoring your energy. It’s responsible for countless process that heal and repair the body. If were not sleeping properly it’s hard to recover from burnout. It’s not just about quantity, but also quality. Things like sleeping in a dark room, cold temperature, and making sure you have a sense of peace.

3. Exercise

Exercise can be restorative depending on the type that you do. Walking and gentle movement such as  qigong and yoga can be very beneficial. When you can, doing things like lifting weights can increase your energetic capacity and ability to handle stress.

4. Relationships

Engaging in healthy relationships can be very healing. Relationships are the glue that hold our life together. All relationships begin with you and what you perceive your worth. Being in a good social group that you can add value in is key. Look to add value, and help people reach their goals. Let people know that they matter. Focus on the truth. Understand that we all matter.

5. Mindset

Getting to know who you are, your values, and standards is very important. With out knowing who you are, it’s hard to have a clear direction. Contemplation practices like meditation, journaling, and inquiry can help you have a healthy mind. Also, it’s important to watch how you talk to yourself, this will dictate your actions. Lastly, look to add value to people. The more value you add, the more the world will be a better place.

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  • Michelle Reply

    Exceptional writing and podcast. you provide amazing advice and speak genuinely well, inspiring listeners to want to return to your podcasts. Achievable goals are what people want. Great advice!🙂

    August 21, 2024 at 5:36 pm

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