Biofeedback- What Is It and How To Listen To It

What Is Biofeedback?

This is the bodies innate intelligence communicating to you through various signals. It is the ability to read these signals that will have a huge part in our health. The problem is that most of us have a lot of static on the line so to speak, and are unable to hear the signals that our bodies are giving us.

How To Listen To Your Biofeedback


Sense we live in a world of massive distractions, we are cut off from the ability to listen to our bodies. regularly having a practice of getting into a state of awareness is a great idea to calm the inner chatter. Awareness refers to being aware of all your senses, and having a straight head; meaning you feel centered, focused, and on purpose.


Pain would be an example of your body communicating to you. Your tissues will let you know of your about to get an injury, and if we listen, we probably can prevent it.


A disease is the bodies ability to adapt to unideal circumstances. Diabetes for example. The body becomes insulin resistant to save your life. All the access glucose in your bloodstream can kill you if your body doesn’t deal with it. Becoming insulin resistant and lipogenesis (fat creation) is it’s attempt to rid the body of glucose after long bouts of time of having access.


From a spiritual perspective, our intuition is advanced pattern recognition. We all have gut feelings, and that’s not just a cute saying. We have something called the gut-brain access, and it’s job is to send signals to each other to get a message across. When we listen to our inner guidance, it usually leads us to a desired outcome. Distinguishing between fear and our inner guidance is a skill that can be hound. Fear tends to want to protect us, and doesn’t move us toward our goals, but our inner guidance operated out of growth in some way.

Listen to your heart-

In addition to the gut- brain access, we also have something called the heart-brain access. This is the same concept, with the brain and the hear sending messages to each other. The Heart Math Institute talks about this a lot. The heart consists of 40 thousand neurons that like the brain in terms of sensing, feeling, learning, and remembering.  According to the HMI, the heart also has something called the tube torus, which is the electromagnetic field that imitates from your heart, that is actually 60x more powerful than your brain, as well as 5000x greater biomagnetic field. Our thoughts and feelings can influence this field, which is why it’s important to bring the energy we want to a given situation. When we talk about an EKG (electrocardiogram), this is designed to measure the electromagnetic energy of the heart.


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