Ayurvedic Medicine- Pillars, Doshas, and Detoxification
What Is Ayurvedic Medicine?
This is ancient Indian medicine that has been around for thousands of years. It’s main tenet happens to be detoxification. It consists of many healing modalities, all with a holistic approach to whole body wellness. There are practices that can be beneficial for everyone, even if you don’t have a disease. It also has a strong focus on self awareness and prevention. Ayurveda actually translates to science of life and longevity.
Pillars Of Ayurveda-
1. Nutrition
Nutrition is a very important aspect of Ayurveda. As always, it focuses on the fundamental principle of diet customization. We understand that not everything works for everybody. It incorporates eating according to your constitution and mindful eating.
2. Movement
Exercise is a big part of Ayurveda. Exercise is essentially about detoxification and moving the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is essentially about transporting immune cells and waste removal. Stagnate energy leads to poor health. Yoga is an integral part of Ayurveda as well.
3. Detoxification
There are many ways to detox in Ayurveda. Detoxification is essentially about removing the unnecessary stressors of everyday life. They also could have been building up for a long time. Ayurveda uses things such as oil pulling, tongue scrapping, and herbal cleanses.
The Three Doshas-
The doshas are three body types or constitutions that make up people. We have all three of them, but usually have one that’s dominate. According to Ayurveda, it’s wise to make decisions based on our own dosha for optimal health.
1. Vata
Vata is the air element. Some of the attributes are dryness, lightness, cold, and creativity.
2. Pita
This is the fire element. Some of the attributes are strong features, sharpness, proportioned, digestive fire, and good memory.
3. Kapha
This is the earth element. Some attributes are large bones, grounded, slow movement, softness, and stoic.
Ayurvedic Detoxification Practices-
1. Oil swishing
This is an ancient Ayurvedic practice that has been done for thousands of years. It involves taking a tea spoon, to a table spoon of oil, and swishing it around your mouth for 10-15 minutes. The oils that are typically used are coconut oil, and sesame oil. This accomplishes a variety of things. It nourishes the gums, and pulls out impurities. We know that it whitens teeth, and clears the sinuses. This report shows how it reduces plaque, and gingivitis. This shows how it performed as well as an oral antibiotic.
2. Tongue scraping
Tongue scraping is another ancient Ayurvedic practice. It involves using a tongue scraper, and scraping the tongue back to front. Do this about three times. Using a copper, silver, or steel scraper is the best. These actually have antibacterial properties in them. What this accomplishes is removing food particles, and build up toxins. It also unblocks the taste buds for better taste and smell.
3. Herbology
Herbs have been used throughout history to cure a variety of aliments. The word drug actually translates to dried plant. Every traditional medicine system has their own form of herbalism. This is an ancient practice to use herbs to heal the body. It is a holistic system that is invested in getting to the root of the issue. It also can be used to maintain health and prevent disease. It uses remedies that entail the entire plant and all its biochemical constituents.
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