Awake Not Woke- Why Wokeism Is A Virus

What Does It Mean To Be Woke?

Being woke tends to isolate a world view and disregard any outer facts. It leaves little room for discussion, and usually heavily criticizes the opposite view. It’s fundamentally a view that we are separate, and props up immorality as morality. It also seems to be rooted in victimhood, while acting as a hero.

The Difference Between Being Awake And Woke

Being awake comes from within. It means you are awake to truth that only comes through introspection and mental discipline. Your aware of who you are, and what you stand for. You live by principles, not rules, or feelings. Being woke sounds like someone else woke you up, which means they get to dictate what you think. It acts as a societal virus because people want to be good and right, but don’t have the moral courage to look at the truth in actuality. Fear is not a virtue, neither is criticism, or one sided thinking.

A Stoic Approach

These are ancient Greek Philosophers with wide ranging view points. It originated from a philosopher named Zeno of Cypress, who lost everything after a shipwreck. He started reading about Socrates, and studied with some of the most noted Philosophers in the city. Some of the main philosophers of Stoicism that came after Zeno were Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, and Epictetus. They cultivated inner peace by accepting things that they can’t change, and putting their energy towards their actions. This approach allows you to cultivate inner fortitude and live a virtuous life.

How To Unwoke Yourself

How do you unwoke yourself, and cure yourself from this virus? You must focus on becoming the greatest version of yourself. Failing, getting up again, striving for something more. Weakness is not a virtue. Blaming other people for why you feel the way you do will keep you a powerless victim. Cultivate your inner power, and deal with criticism. You are not designed to be weak, you are designed for greatness. Focus on your health, wealth, relationships, mindset, and goals. Level up everyday.

Principles Of the Good Life

1. 100% responsibility

Taking 100% responsibility for your life is key. This does not mean that everything is your fault, but you get to decide what happens next. This means healing from past trauma, and removing any blocks you may have on your path to greatness. When we blame people or circumstances, we give our power away to change. Freedom is in your hands, take it my friend.

2. Have a north star

Discovering your purpose will give you something to aim at everyday when you wake up. The foundation of everyones purpose is growth and service, but how everyone expresses that is going to be different. I used to think your purpose had to be your career, but not necessarily. Your purpose can also change over time, not the foundation, but how it’s expressed.

3. Challenges can be alchemized into gifts

Everything that we go through is designed to qualify us for the person we are meant to become. Even the toughest circumstances, there is a gift. We can not skip to that and ignore the struggle, but at the end of pain, there is success.

4. Stay ready so you don’t have to get ready

This speaks to having a plan and executing. When your always on point and practicing habits, when a challenge comes, you will be prepared. It’s better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war.

5. Awareness

Awareness is the first step to change. If we are going to change anything for the better, we need to start with awareness. Awareness gives you the space to think and make effective decisions. It allows you to know who you are and your journey.

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