How to Develop BDE (Big Dick Energy)

What is BDE? BDE (big dick energy) is embodying who you are. It's the way of being that includes a combination of attitude, practices, and energy. Being in control of your masculine energy will allow you to live the life that you choose. Channeling your gifts into your women and the world. Physical Practices Semen retention- This is the ancient Taoist practice of not expelling your seed every chance you get. According to Taoist philosophy and modern science, ejaculating all the time depletes your...


How to Improve Your Digestion Without Changing the Food you Eat

The Importance of Digestion Digestion is not just about what you eat, what you absorb and assimilate. Real digestion begins in the mouth with the process of chewing and activating digestive enzymes. Your saliva encodes your DNA in the food so your body becomes more familiar with it and is easier to digest. The food you eat has a massive role in digestive health, but it's not the only thing. As you'll see, the process of how you eat is also...


Mold- Biofilm, Testing, and Detoxing

What is Mold? Mold is a type of fungus that thrives on dead and decaying things. Mold secretes mycotoxins that are neurotoxic. If we have mold internally, it's usually in the gut, or the nose. What is Biofilm? Biofilm is a mucus like fluid that bacteria create to protect themselves. If a biofilm is already present in the absence of mold, the mold could come in there and kill everything to make it its home. It does this through mycotoxins, which effect the...


The Psychology of Health- Beliefs, Internal Wiring, and the Mindset to Create Health

Where Our Beliefs Originate From the ages of 0-2 we are in delta brain waves. This is basically a sleep state. After that from the age to about 7, we are in theta brain waves. This is the state that were in when were about to fall asleep and is very meditative. This is why were so impressional as kids, and where most of our beliefs come from. You may have a belief system that you are overweight because thats just...


Fertility- Process of Fertility, Things That Disrupt and add to Your Fertility

What is Fertility? Fertility is the state of being fertile. If you look at fertile soil around the planet, what makes it fertile is having enough raw nutrients to create life. Everything from our physical bodies came from the earth. It also goes beyond that in the aspect of reproducing our gifts in every area of life as a pathway of service. The Process of Fertility Women are born with all of their eggs, which is approximately 2 million. About 11 thousand of...


The Medicalization of Birth, Detrimental Birthing Practices, and the Importance of Breast Feeding

The Medicalization of Birth Up until the early part of the 1900s, before the medical system really took hold, birth was exclusively done at home. Local care givers, such as neighbors had assisted. Today, about 98% of birth is given in hospitals. Around the same time frame, incentives were given to stop giving birth at home and start giving birth in the hospital. It was also outlawed for midwives to practice. Doctors were paid not by quality of outcome,...


The Science of Fear, Practicing Self Awareness, and Practicing Courage

The Science of Fear, and What Fear Actually is Every thought that we think releases correlating chemistry in our bodies. Whether its thoughts of love, or thoughts of fear. For example, feelings of love or happiness will release hormones such as oxytocin and serotonin; and thoughts of fear will produce epinephrine and cortisol. Fear in of itself is not bad, it's actually quite an important tool. It's more about how we manage the fear. How do we use fear as an...


Coffee- Benefits, Quality, Biohacking, and Caffeine Cycling

Benefits of Coffee 1. Enhances fat burning metabolism Researches found that participants who ingested coffee 30 minutes before exercise had a 30% increase in fat burn metabolism. Another study shows that it increases resting metabolic rate by activating brown fat, which increases thermogenesis. This means your burning more calories by doing nothing when drinking coffee. 2. Mental health A study in Korea found that participants who had at least 2 cups of coffee per day experienced a 32% lower prevalence of...


The Science of Flavor- Why Flavor is an Indication of Nutrition, and How Our Taste Buds Have Been Hijacked

What is Taste and Why Does Real Food Taste Good The 5 flavor sensations are sweet, salt, bitter, sour, and umami. There is another thing going on called retronasal olfaction. This translates to back of the nose smelling. When you eat food it stimulates your smell receptors. It travels up the tube to the back of your nose to different parts of the brain. This is actually what gives food its rich taste and character. This is why when you have...


Epigenetics, Genetic Determinism, and Why the Power is In Your Hands

What is Epigenetics? Epigenetics translates to control above the genes. The conventional paradigm indicates that genes are destiny, but this is out dated and inaccurate. You may have a genetic predisposition for something, meaning you have have a higher risk of a disease, but you have influence over how that risk is expressed. Genes are like a blueprint, genes can't do anything of themselves, but the environmental triggers have to be activated. The genes themselves don't change, but whether they express...