How to Stay Healthy For the Holidays

1. Peer pressure This can drive a lot of our decisions during the holidays. In order to fix this, the first step is awareness. knowing what's coming ahead and accommodating for that. Perhaps if your on a particular diet you can ask a family member to make something different. Chances are, they will be happy to do so. 2. Chronic nutrient deficiency lead to chronic over eating What this means is that our body is always asking for specific nutrients, but in comes...


Champion Mindset- How to Execute, Develop that Dog, and the Art of Being a Savage

What is a Champion? A champion is someone who does not cut corners and does whatever possible to get the competitive edge in life. Champions know who they are, and are ready for anything. Most people ask what they can get away with and still do what they do (drugs, alcohol, television). What's wrong with this they say, but champions are asking what's right with something, and are looking for habits to get them to the next level. We are willing...


Travel- Benefits of Traveling, and how to Stay Healthy While Traveling

Benefits of Travel Cardiovascular health- The global commission on aging in Transamerica center for retirement studies found that women who vacationed every 6 years or less had a significantly larger chance of having a heart attack than women who traveled at least twice a year. Men who did not vacation often had a 30% greater incidence of heart disease. This is probably do to a significant stress reduction. Mental health- Putting your brain in different environments will help your brain create new connections...


Testosterone- How it Works, Environmental Factors That Disrupt it, and How to Naturally Boost Testosterone

What is Testosterone, and How It's Made Testosterone is basically just an anabolic sex steroid hormone, mainly released in the Leydig cells of the testes in men (95%) and the ovaries and adrenal glands of women. Yes, testosterone is not just a male hormone, and women also produce, but at lower magnitude. Actually, men have roughly about 10 times more testosterone than women. Testosterone is derived from cholesterol. In the adult testicle, there is 700 feet of tubing called the seminiferous tubules. Sperm is...


Principles of the Good Life

1. Awareness Awareness is the first step to change. If we are going to change anything for the better, we need to start with awareness. Awareness gives you the space to think and make effective decisions. It allows you to know who you are and your journey. 2. Stay ready so you don't have to get ready This speaks to having a plan and executing. When your always on point and practicing habits, when a challenge comes, you will be prepared. It's better...


Alcohol- How it’s Metabolized, Choosing High Quality Wine, and How to Cure a Hangover

How Does Alcohol Get Metabolized? Alcohol is immediately absorbed because enzymes break it down before it even hits the stomach. It gets converted into acetaldehyde. The enzyme that is responsible for that is called alcohol dehydrogenase. Acetaldehyde can travel many places in the body, including the smallest capillaries. The liver has a series of micro capillaries, which acetaldehyde can enter and encompass the entire liver. When you drink alcohol, the liver prioritizes getting that out of the body, and slows down...


Clutter- What is it, How to Mentally Let Things Go, and 5 Steps to Declutter

What is Clutter? Clutter can be anything physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual that you are carrying around that is no longer serving you. We are often even unaware of these things and how they may be affecting us. This article will be mainly focused on the physical. Criteria to Decide What Goes and What Stays In order to help declutter, ask yourself three questions: do I need it, do I love it, and do I use it? These will help determine your coarse...


Peptides- What They Are, Sourcing, and Stacks

What Are Peptides? Peptides are naturally occurring molecules in the body that contain a sequence of at least two amino acids. They act as cell signaling molecules to promote healing, hormone release, and to send out anti inflammatory compounds. Peptides can also replenish what is lost naturally as we age. They have such a wide ranging effect on our bodies because amino acids are the building blocks of our bodies. Peptides can be very targeted depending on your goal, and get...


Nootropics For Cognitive Enhancement

What Are Nootropics and Smart Drugs? Nootropics are natural substances that are used to enhance cognitive function. They should be able to enhance learning and memory, protect the brain from physical or chemical injury, and has low side effects and toxicity. Smart drugs are similar, but are drugs rather than natural substances, thus having more side effects. Different Types of Nootropics Methylene blue- This has been traditionally used as fish tank cleaner. Methylene blue has been widely studied for mitochondrial health, cognitive protection,...


How to Cultivate Self Love- Oxytocin, Things that Negatively Impact Self Love, and Things That Add to it

What is Self Love? Self love is very multifaceted. It can be a combination of self compassion, admiration, devotion, support, and care. Having it, or not having it will effect everything in your for better or worse. It will influence the standards you have, what you let influence you, how you take care of yourself, the choices you make, and how you deal with challenges. Oxytocin, the Love Hormone Oxytocin is the hormone that is responsible for the feeling of love, better relationships,...