Principles of the Stoics- How to develop Grit, Endurance, and How To Build An Iron Clad Mind

Who Are the Stoics? These are ancient Greek Philosophers with wide ranging view points. It originated from a philosopher named Zeno of Cypress, who lost everything after a shipwreck. He started reading about Socrates, and studied with some of the most noted Philosophers in the city. Some of the main philosophers of Stoicism that came after Zeno were Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, and Epictetus. They cultivated inner peace by accepting things that they can't change, and putting their energy towards their actions. How...


Stem Cells- What They Are, How They Work, Different Varieties, Stem Cell Therapies, Exosomes, Placentas, and How To Naturally Increase Them Through Lifestyle

What Are Stem Cells? A stem cell is the original cell (primordial cell) that has the capability of producing a full human being. The cells undergo cellular division to create more cells. Then they undergo differentiation, or specialization to create different organs. How Do They Work? Stem cells are quiescent in different tissues of the body. Then they are called upon for repair and undergo maturation and specialization to recreate the tissue that needs repair. Different Types Of Stem Cells Unipotent- Can only turn into one...


Artificial Sweeteners- Negative Health Effects, and Natural Alternatives

What Are Artificial Sweeteners? These are chemicals designed in the lab to "replace" sugar. They are made by chemically combining different molecules in a lab to mimic the flavor of sugary foods and beverages. Artificial sweeteners are often many times sweeter than real sugar.  How Artificial Sweeteners Effect Your Body 1. Contributes to obesity They contribute to obesity be negatively altering the gut microbiome, reducing satiety levels, dysregulating blood glucose, and causing you to eat more. 2. Increases cancer risk Artificial sweeteners have been


Olive Oil- History, How it’s Produced, Benefits, and Sourcing

History of Olive Oil This oil has been around for thousands of years and originated in the middle east around 540 BCE. Olive oil presses were also found in ancient Crete, where it was used for cosmetics, soaps, and medicines. The Egyptians also used it as a cleanser and moisturizer. Cleopatra used it as a cosmetic treatment along with beeswax. Hippocrates called it the great therapeutic, and used it for a variety of purposes, including wound treatment. In ancient Greece, olive...


Coconut/MCT Oil- History, How it’s Made, Benefits, and Uses

History of the Coconut We do not have as much history as we would like on the coconut because the humid climate makes it hard to get a good fossil. We do know that it has been used by our ancestors for thousands of year, probably longer. The word coconut is derived from the Spanish word "coco", which means head, or skull. The origins of the coconut tree is believed to be in the Americas. Some people also believed it originated...


Chocolate- How It’s Made, History, Benefits Of Chocolate, and Proper Sourcing

How is Chocolate Made? Chocolate comes from a pod, where all of the cacao beans are in. Once the beans are removed, they are fermented dried, and shelled. The shells and nibs are what is primarily used. History of Chocolate Cacao is the primary word used to describe chocolate. Coco is probably a word that was lost in translation used to describe cacao. In come civilizations, the word Theobroma is used to describe cacao, which means food of the Gods. Throughout history, chocolate...


Birth Control Pills- How They Work, Getting Off the Pill, and Natural Birth Control Alternatives

How Birth Control Pills Work The pill works on a brain level, not just the ovaries. This is because the brain signals the ovaries to ovulate. It gives you a very high does of synthetic hormones such as estrogen and progestin. Birth control impacts the brain by shutting down brain-ovarian communication. FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone) are not secreted, so eggs aren't ready for ovulation. How Being On the Pill Can Alter Partner Selection Women tend to choose partners that...


Bitcoin- What it is, Difference between Bitcoin, Fiat, and Other Cryptocurrencies, and How To get Started

What is Bitcoin? Bitcoin is the original form of cryptocurrency that runs on the blockchain. It was created by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009. Nakamoto is likely not a human being, but a name give to a collection of people who developed it. Nakamoto can not be verified as an actually human by anyone. Bitcoin is different from other currencies because it's decentralized, incorruptible, indestructible, and bold. Decentralized means that it's not owned by on entity, but power is distributed throughout it's...


Prepping- The Lost Art of the Mind, Stoicism, and Prepping Tenets

The Lost Art of the Mind In the prepping community, there seems to be a huge emphasis on protecting ourselves from others instead of collaborating. The reality is if we all had the mind to help others out in a crisis, a lot of the prepping information would be obsolete. I realize that's not yet the world we live in, so we do indeed need that information, but should siamotainously work toward collaboration. Prepping is not mainly about hoarding stuff or...


5 Steps to Create Unstoppable Momentum for the New Year

1. Set and withhold standards Standards are the bench marks that we have for ourselves in our lives. They are things that we will and won't accept. In order to create standards, we must first start with the mind. Our mind is where they are all born. Go through each area of your life and see if there is anything that is not worthy, of you, your goals and values. If there is, make adjustments, or eliminate it. 2. Set S.M.A.R.T. goals Many...