Adrenal Glands- What Are They, HPA Axis, Adrenal Disease, and How To Improve the Health Of the Adrenals

What Are the Adrenal Glands? These are glands that sit on top of the kidneys that produce a plethora of hormones. The outer layer of the adrenals make hormones that regulate blood glucose, the second layer makes hormones that regulate electrolytes, and the third layer makes hormones that regulate reproduction. What Is the HPA Axis? The HPA (hypothalamic pituitary adrenal) axis is designed to regulate the stress response. Different Types Of Adrenal Disease Addison's disease- This is when the adrenals stop producing cortisol entirely, and is...


Kidneys- Roles They Play, Things That Damage Them, How To Improve Function, and Supplementation

Roles That the Kidneys Play 1. The kidneys are one of our major detoxification organs. 2. Responsible for maintaining blood pressure. 3. Excretion of waste 4. Synthesis of vitamin D 5. Secretion of erythropoietin for red blood cell production. Things That Damage the Kidneys 1. Pesticides Pesticides have been shown to significantly impact the markers of kidney disease. 2. Toxic air The air that we breathe is very important. Often times, it can carry unwanted toxins for a variety of reasons. This is another burden that we don't...


Liver- Roles That It Plays, Things That Damage and Regenerate the Liver, and Supplements

Roles That The Liver Plays 1. Digesting nutrients 2. Lipogenesis 3. Creation of cholesterol 4. Breakdown of insulin 5. Filtering blood 6. Antioxidant production Things That Negatively Impact the Liver 1. Vegetable Oils These oils are oxidized on the store shelf because they require very high heat in order to be processed, which damages the oils. This is hard for the liver to process. 2. Carbohydrate overload Eating too many carbohydrates specificly in the form of fructose can damage your liver. This is becasuse fructose can only be metabolized by the liver,...


Fake Meat- What Is It, Different Types, Agenda, and The Solutions

What Is Fake Meat? Fake meat is a meat "alternative" that is made of plants, but designed to taste like meat. Different Types Of Fake Meat Impossible burger- Water, Soy Protein Concentrate, Sunflower Oil, Coconut Oil, Natural Flavors, 2% Or Less Of: Methylcellulose, Cultured Dextrose, Food Starch Modified, Yeast Extract, Soy Leghemoglobin, Salt, Mixed Tocopherols (Antioxidant), L-tryptophan, Soy Protein Isolate Beyond burger- Water, Pea Protein, Expeller Pressed Canola Oil, Refined Coconut Oil, Rice Protein, Natural Flavors, Dried Yeast, Cocoa Butter, Methylcellulose, Contains 1% or Less: Potato...


Parasites- What Are They, Causes, Side Effects, Testing, and Natural Treatments

What Are Parasites? Parasites are organisms that depend on their host for survival. Without a host, a parasite cannot live, grow, and multiply. Do to this, parasites don't usually kill the host. There are also certain parasites that our ancestors had that may be beneficial to health. These parasites don't live long, and find themselves out of the body pretty quickly. What Causes Parasites? The primary cause is going to be a dysfunctional immune system. The parasites themselves also suppress the immune system...


Heavy Metals- What Are They, Harmful Effects, Testing, and How To Remove Them

What Are Heavy Metals? These are naturally occurring elements that would occur deep under the earths surface. Our ancestors would never be exposed to them for this reason. Do to modern technology, it is now hard to escape them. They consist of lead, cadmium, mercury, aluminum, and arsenic. Harmful Effects of Heavy Metals There are different effects for each of the metals, but there are also a lot of similarities. These metals can bioaccumulate, and get bound up in fat and other organs...


Longevity Compounds- Reverse Aging, Build Muscle, and Create Balance

What Are Longevity Compounds? Longevity compounds are molecules that act in the body to promote longevity. We have something called senescent cells in our bodies that constitute aging. There are certain factors that cause aging. Some of the are AGEs (advanced glycation end products), high inflammation, and blood glucose. These compounds help slow down these actions. Anti Aging Compounds 1. Spermidine This is a compound found in sperm that has over 13,000 studies on longevity. It works mainly by the process called autophagy....


Herbalism- History, Extraction, Herb Classes, Materia Medica, and The Doctrine Of Signatures

History of Herbalism Herbs have been used throughout history to cure a variety of aliments. The word drug actually translates to dried plant. Every traditional medicine system has their own form of herbalism. What is Herbalism? This is an ancient practice to use herbs to heal the body. It is a holistic system that is invested in getting to the root of the issue. It also can be used to maintain health and prevent disease. It uses remedies that entail the entire plant...


Manifestation- Principles, Hinderances, and Accelerators

What is Manifestation? Manifesting is consciously creating a life you love. It's about preparing your mind, body, and spirit to take the actions to get what you want. Amplifying the power inside of you to change your life. Principles of Manifesting Things that influence the manifestation process are your beliefs, thoughts, desires, emotions, level of resistance, and actions. Once were aware of these things, we can use it to our advantage. 1. Dream beyond all measure Give yourself permission to say what it is that...


Learning- Why it’s The Most Important Skill, The Problem With The Education System, Unschooling, and How To Enhance Learning Skills

The Most Important Skill- The most important skill in todays world is learning how to learn. This is because learning, unlearning and relearning can get where you want to be in any facet. Applying what you know and skill acquisition first requires learning. Whether you want to be healthier, wealthier, or have better relationships, it's going to require learning in some form. The Problem With the Modern Educational System Our ancestors would be educated through family, apprenticeship, or home businesses. Modern schools were...