Emotional Intelligence- What Is It, Benefits, and How To Develop It

What Is Emotional Intelligence This is the ability to navigate ones emotions in an intelligent manner. The ability to know oneself, and ones tendencies. Being able to self regulate through a variety of tools is invaluable because it will lead to a much more joyful and productive life. The thing with all the regulation tools, is that over time you have integrated them to such a degree that you become the tool. Emotional intelligence helps us move toward or away from...


Inner Guidance- What Is It, and How To Develop It

What Is Your Inner Guidance? Your inner guidance is defined as the inner voice of wisdom that leads you to where you want to go, and your highest good. It can lead you to your most aligned life path, including your goals and dreams. Inner guidance will help you decern between decisions that are in alignment with you and ones that are not. In short, it's the ultimate compass to navigate your best life. The Difference Between Fear and Your Inner Guidance You...


Biofeedback- What Is It and How To Listen To It

What Is Biofeedback? This is the bodies innate intelligence communicating to you through various signals. It is the ability to read these signals that will have a huge part in our health. The problem is that most of us have a lot of static on the line so to speak, and are unable to hear the signals that our bodies are giving us. How To Listen To Your Biofeedback Awareness- Sense we live in a world of massive distractions, we are cut off from...


Digital Stealth- Big Tech and Privacy Alternatives

What Is Digital Stealth? This is the ability to have agency and privacy on the internet. Knowing and using the tools of stealth that protect you from being tracked, and your data collected. Why would you want to do this? If people track your data, that's one thing, but the problem is that you don't have control of the character of the people who are tracking it, or what they will do with it. You want to protect your data to...


Health Mastery- Mindset, Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Practices

What Is Health Mastery? Health mastery is the combination of mindset and physical, mental, and spiritual practices to achieve optimal health. It requires that you take agency over yourself and your body. The only way to master your health is to take 100% responsibility. The thing about mastering your health, is that when you do, you can act as a guide to help others do the same. Health Mindset Where Our Beliefs Originate From the ages of 0-2 we are in delta brain waves....


How To Have Healthy Feet- Foot Ware, Alignment, and Terrain

What Are Healthy Feet? This is defined as feet that are able to function naturally without any hinderances. This also means that you would be able to walk perfectly without shoes. The problem is that most of us have feet that are not able to do their jobs properly because they have been in coffins their whole life. Shoes have their place of course, but they can lead to abnormal development of the foot. They will usually squeeze the toes together...


How To Have Healthy Blood

Blood Pressure Your blood pressure is actually controlled primarily by the brain and kidneys. There is a hormone called antidiuretic hormone (ADH) that is produced by the hypothalamus that balances the amount of water that's in your blood. High water concentrations improve the volume and pressure of your blood. It's more so about balance and staying hydrated. Blood Glucose Blood pressure rising in response to rising insulin levels. Insulin raises primarily through carbohydrate consumption. This means that the more your blood glucose spikes...


Foundational Principles Of Healing The Body

Principles Of Healing The Body No matter what your goals are, whether it's to optimize your health, maintain, or heal a chronic disease; there are foundational tenets that are required for health to take place. Without these tenets, health will be impossible to achieve. Just like anything, if you want to be great, you have to make it s study, and it comes down to the fundamentals. Today, we will be going over what fundamental principles of health are. 1. Eat real...


How To Create A Health Oriented Family Culture

What Is A Strong Family Culture? A culture is a set of attitudes, values, beliefs, and behaviors shared by a group of people, and passed from generation to generation. You can't help but to pass the culture down because you inherently become part of your environment. The thing is that we are not just the product of our environment, but creators of our environment. That means that it's up to us if we want to shift our current culture into a...


Mastery- Know Thyself, Principles Of A King, and How To Master Your Reality

What Is Self Mastery? Self mastery is the concept of mastering your own reality. This does not mean you don't have challenges, as a matter of fact, it can only be obtained through overcoming your own challenges. Know Thyself Knowing thyself is simple. It has been known sense the dawn of time; if we look at many ancient cultures, weather it be ancient Egypt, Greece, or beyond; the masters new they could master their reality by first mastering themselves. This is done through...