Spices- History, Uses, and Benefits

History Of Spices Spices have been historically very valuable. Many wars have been fought over them. They were also used to preserve food based on their high antioxidant profile. They could also mask the flavors of rancid food. All plants have build in chemical defense mechanisms to protect the plant. When we ingest these, we also get the benefits. They develop them based off of their geographical region, whether patterns, and predators. They can also be classified as roots, bark, or...


How To Be A Professional Decision Maker

What Is A Good Decision Maker? The word decision is derived from latin literally meaning to cut off. When you make a real decision, your cutting off the possibility of anything else happening. Not hoping, not wishing, but a real decision. Good decisions are made quickly and changed slowly. Sensory Acuity Sensory acuity is the ability to perceive information accurately from your senses. This is important because we don't want to make an emotional decision. Don't make a long term decision on a...


The Laws Of Freedom

What Are The Laws Of Freedom? The laws of freedom consist of a variety of principles in order to stay free. They are intrinsic within us, and accessible to everyone. Freedom is inherent in us, sure you can shut things down, but you can never take the true essence of freedom. We don’t play by the rules, we live by principle. Discipline equals freedom. Yes you can do whatever you want, but what are your results? If you want to be...


Posture- What Is It, Neck, Spine, Feet, and Emotional Posture

What Is Posture? Posture is simply being in the proper aligned physical position from head to toe for optimal function. Posture is important because it allows you to operate with ease of movement, putting less strain on your body, and being more efficient. Overtime, if you don't have a good posture, you will break down, and not be able to function properly. How To Improve Your Posture Neck- There is a condition called tech neck, given the name for the bodies adaptation to being...


Inner Work- What It Is, Benefits, and How To Do It

What Does It Mean To Do The Inner Work? This is referring to certain practices take you to a space of freedom within yourself. We often work on the external things, such as business goals and all of the worldly things, but neglect the inner world, which is responsible for the results we get anyways. The inner world is the reason why some people achieve all of their goals, but are still unhappy. This is because they are not addressing what...


How To Build A Beautiful Relationship

What Is A Beautiful Relationship? A beautiful relationship consists as each individual bringing their 100%, thus the relationship created another entity, so it's one plus one equals three. A beautiful relationship also consists of each person dedicated to being the greatest version of themselves. This is because growth and service are extremely important values, and will drive each individual to not just want the best for their partners, but act like it day in and day out. All Relationships Start With You This...


Laws Of The Spirit

What Are the Laws Of the Spirit? Laws of the spirit include the foundational principles that underline reality. Unlike man made laws, they are always based in truth, and are universal. These laws are unconsciously guiding our life in a specific direction. It would benefit us to be aware of these laws so we can harness them for our benefit. 1. First law of spirit The first law of spirit is acceptance. This is because we can not move forward unless we accept...


How To Have A Healthy Money Mindset

What Is A Healthy Money Mindset? A healthy money mindset requires a variety of factors. Some of them include feeling worthy of money, feeling well about rich people, and understanding that it's a biproduct of service. Most of us contain some limiting beliefs that are causing us to take actions that are not in alignment with an abundant financial life. In addition, we are simply not educated about money. How To Build A healthy Money Mindset Start by becoming aware of your thoughts,...


How To Become A Philosopher

What Is A Philosopher? A philosopher is someone who simply learns from their experiences. They go through life developing their own philosophy based on observing and learning from their actions. very simple, right? This is what we always have done, the question is are you doing consciously or unconsciously? Books, podcasts, and events are great tools, but wise people existed before they did. How To Become  A Philosopher? While the ability to philosophize is in everyone, there are strategies in order to do...


The Story Of The One

The Story Of The One The story of the one is eminent in all things. This is because it exists in all of us, the story of freedom. The one that is on the heroes journey, overcoming their own obstacles and short comings on a quest for greatness. Greatness is not acquired, only activated through our daily actions. The king or queen is already born, it is only a matter of expressing it. Becoming The One Do that shit your way- You will always...