Anxiety- Causes and How To Heal It

What Is Anxiety Really? Anxiety is the state of uncertainty about the future. It's essentially not being secure within one self for a variety of reasons. There are a lot of potential causes, and some may be surprising. Anxiety can be rehabilitating if not dealt with properly. First yoy must believe that you can get well, and not have to live with it forever. You believe that it's who you are then you affirm your victimhood, and won't get well. Causes Of...


Networking- What It Is, and How To Do it

What Is Networking? Networking is the ability to connect with other individuals in an effective way toward a worthy ideal. This will accomplish a number of things. It allows you to expand your energy, reach, and influence. Networking is important because it gives you the ability to expand the mission, and the world at large. How To Start Networking 1. Build your tribe Find like minded individuals in the sense that they are on purpose, and about growth and service. This is important because...


Influence- How To Create Change, Develop Character, and Usher In A New Age Of Freedom

What Is Influence? Influence is the ability to create change in society and the world by first creating change within oneself. Influence must first happen within because it is through developing oneself that real change can be made. Influence is about making change on the inside, and expressing that on the outside. To influence, you first have to be influenced. How To Create Change 1. Know thyself Knowing thyself is simple. It has been known sense the dawn of time; if we look at...


Create A Vision and A Mission

What Is A Vision and A Mission? Having a vision and a mission is very important because it allows you to be free in the face of adversity. It will set you apart from most people because most people don't know what they want. It starts from dreaming from within. Getting honest, what is it that you really want? With freedom at the forefront, have no mercy toward your goals. Create A Compelling Vision It is a leaders job to create a compelling...


The Laws Of Magnetism

What Is Magnetism? Magnetism is the ability to attract what you want through a variety of character traits and habits. You are the source of your freedom, and realizing that will allow you to develop and draw in what you want. Freedom is the gateway, all you have to do is open it. Self Development- 100 percent responsibility- Taking 100% responsibility for your life is key. This does not mean that everything is your fault, but you get to decide what happens next. This...


The Voice Of A King- How To Manipulate Chi, Stay Free, and Bend Reality

The Voice Of A King- It is the voice of a king, the voice of freedom. A story that echos on for eternity, the story of the one. It is he that is willing to sacrifice who they are for what they could become that will have the world. A king lives by certain principles, and conducts himself in such a way that can't be ignored. This is because he is a mirror for your own potential. It's within all of...


How To Create A Healthy Home- EMFs, Light, Air, and Water

What Is A Healthy Home? A healthy home consists of a lot of factors. Today we will talk about the factors that go into it to optimize health and wellness. The healthier our home, the healthier we and our families can be. EMFs- EMFs (Electromagnetic Frequencies) can consist of native EMF, or non native EMF. Native EMF is emitted from the earths surface at 7.8 hz. This is actually very beneficial for our health. Non native EMFs emit radio waves, electric fields, magnetic...


Transgenderism- What It Is, Reasoning, Mindset, Parenting, and The Solution

What Is Transgenderism? This is the concept of people wanting to change their genders surgically or non surgically through hormones. Why Do People Do This? The underline reason that people do this is because they are experiencing an underline pain that they want to deal with. They believe that changing their genders is a potential solution to the problem. The only issue is that when we look toward something external to solve an internal problem, it never lasts. It doesn't matter what it...


Principles Of Building Muscle- Nutrition, Training, and Mindset

Nutrition- Protein Protein consists of amino acids, both essential, and non essential. There are about 20 amino acids in total. Essential is classified as not being able to make it; thus we need to get it in our diet. Non essential means we can create it based on certain building blocks, so we don’t need as much in our diet. Sometimes non essential amino acids are conditionally essential. This means that if your sick, or have a health condition, you may need...


Work Flow, Personal Development, and Freedom

What Is Work Flow? Work flow is essentially being in a productive, consistant state toward a worthy ideal. It's about knowing your system, working it, and the ability to adapt. This is a powerful thing because it will allow you to accomplish a lot with speed. How To Create An Insane Work Flow  The art of the follow up- Stay up to date with your out reach. Know where you are, and always move the ball forward. Having a sense of awareness of where...