Importance Of Eating Organic, Farmers Markets, and Shopping Tips

Importance Of Eating Organic Pesticides- Pesticides, herbicides, fungicides have been proven to be neurogenic, or estrogenic. This means that it disrupts the nervous system, or the endocrine system. It messes with the pests reproduction via hormones. Also, these are designed to kill very small things, this includes our microbiome. We are made up of these tiny organisms, and pesticides have a profound impact on them. In the world full of environmental stressors, it would be best to avoid them as much...


Grains- What They Are, Potential Issues, and How To Prepare Them Properly

What Are Grains? Grains are the food group that have been around for about 10 thousand years, but that really depends on who you talk to. Certain populations have consumed them in the past with success. The way our ancestors have prepared the grains is much different than what we we do today. They used to soak and sprout them to reduce some of the anti nutrients in them, and increase nutrient bioavailability. These can be beneficial at certain times, and...


Dairy- What It Is, Issues With Conventional Dairy, and High Quality Dairy

What Is Dairy? Dairy is the food group that is classified as the food group containing lactose. These include milk, cheese, and butter. Dairy has it's place, and can be great for some people, but there's a lot of people who also have issues with it, especially with an autoimmune disease. Dairy affects people in different ways, but it really depends on your state of health. The quality of the dairy is very important is well. Issues With Conventional Dairy Dairy we have...


The Vision Of A King- Self Mastery, Visions Of A King, and Service Beyond All Measure

The Vision Of A King The vision of a king is immanent in all things. The story of the one, a story of freedom. Freedom exists in all things, the question is are we going to be receptive to it or not? The vision is for a better, new world. One without rules, one where being the greatest version of oneself is the norm. Self Mastery Self mastery is the concept of mastering your own reality. This does not mean you don’t have...


High Performance- What It Is and How To Get It

What Does It Mean To Have High Performance? This is the ability to function at your peak as much as possible. This is important because the more effective we can be, the more we can make our dreams a reality. This comes from implementing certain practices, habits and mindsets, to be the greatest version of you. How To Become A High Performer Have a mission- Your level of success will not exceed your level of personal development because success is something you attract by...


Confidence- What It Is and How To Get It

What Is Confidence? Self confidence is the internal fortitude that is foraged through the fire of mental combat. It comes from keeping the promises that you make to yourself. It comes through struggle and triumph. Overcoming past traumas and becoming the greatest version of you. How To Develop Self Confidence Know your why- Knowing your why is akin to knowing your purpose. When times get hard, you can call on your why. Doing things for the people you love is a common one. One...


Leadership- What It Is, and Leadership Tactics

What Is Leadership? Leadership at it's core is first the ability to lead one self, then being a guide for others to do the same. There is a variety of different types of leadership, but the underline premise is that it starts with you. We all can be leaders because it is not a fixed trait, and is something that can be developed. Sure, there may be some genetic aspect, but like everything else, it’s a skill that can be learned....


Productivity- Why It’s Important and Productivity Tactics

What Is Productivity? This is the ability to produce generative output toward a worthy ideal. The type of energy that moves mountains. The type of energy that is going to change the world. Taking your work and your craft seriously. You have been put in a position of service, and need to deliver. Productivity Tactics Take care of your health- Health mastery is the combination of mindset and physical, mental, and spiritual practices to achieve optimal health. It requires that you take agency over...


Fermented Foods- What They Are, Different Types, and Probiotics

What Are Fermented Foods? Fermented foods, or cultured foods have been around a very long time. They have been used as an ancient food preserving technique to keep food fresh. There's a variety of ways to culture food, which actually refers to the bacteria cultures within the food. This is because fermentation is great for the friendly flora in our bodies. Fermenting foods increases the beneficial probiotics or bacteria within the food. Fermentation also keeps the enzymes intact within the food...


Depression- Causes and Solutions

What Is Depression Really? Depression really is the state of feeling that your not enough, and things won't or can't get better. This is a terrible place to be, that is because it's a state far away from our true nature. It's often caused by trauma, but there are other causes. What Causes Depression? 1. Trauma Trauma from a number of sources. Understand trauma is meant to be transmuted into a source of power. It does not matter what happened, there's always a path...