Why Am I So Tired? Proven Strategies to Improve your Energy Balance

What is Energy at its Core?

The main form of energy that we use is called ATP. This is set in motion by the electron transport chain, which builds mitochondrial density. The next is ATP coupling, this is about efficiency and the processes of the mitochondria. Lastly, we have ATP synthesis, which involves production and output of energy. The average human can generate 100W of energy just by being sedentary. While were exercising, we can generate 300-400W, or even more. Humans generate a form of electricity called Piezo electricity, which is a from of energy created by movement.

Why Do We Not Have Enough Energy During the Day?

1. Were not moving enough

Like I said movement creates a form of energy called Piezo electricity. This form of energy is built in to the matrix of our cells and charges us up like a battery. The problem is when were tired, we don’t want to actually move. If we actually get up and do a simple form of movement, we will have more energy. Going for a short walk, pushups, jumping jacks can be a tool. Also, there is a great form of movement called rebounding. This is utilizing a mini trampoline to stimulate lymphatic flow. This form of movement produces something called G forces, which is dramatically stimulates our bones and muscles. NASA also believes that this is the most beneficial form of exercise for humans.

2. Poor sleep quality

Sleep quantity is important, but we also need to focus on quality. You can get enough sleep every night, but still feel tired if your sleep quality and cycles are off. Each sleep cycle lasts about 90 minutes. They consist of REM and non REM sleep. REM is responsible for memory processing and dreaming occurs. Non REM is known as deep sleep, and the deepest regeneration occurs here. Sleep architecture is defined by different markers of sleep quality, such as time spent it bed, how many times you wake up, and time spent in each cycle. We can improve our sleep quality by improving our circadian rhythm. This is our hormonal clock that determines all processes in the body. This rhythm can easily be optimized with light, movement, and nutrition. Getting sunlight within 1 hour of waking will set the foundation for you endocrine and nervous system throughout the entire day. Sunlight is responsible for the synthesis of vitamin D, lowers blood pressure, increases nitric oxide, efficiency of the heart, regulates cholesterol, generates ATP, and influences countless other hormones and neurotransmitters. Intermittent fasting for 12-16 hours is a good idea for the circadian rhythm. Also, making sure your not eating late in to the night will benefit hormones and metabolism. Having a movement practice will also set the circadian rhythm. I recommend having some light movement practice in the morning like walking, sauna, or cold shower. Then doing something heavier in the evening such as weight or HIIT training. The reason to do the heavier work later is because all reaction time, body temperature, muscle protein synthesis, and hormones necessary for exercise peak in the late afternoon- early evening.

3. Nutrient deficiencies

Nutrient deficiencies can a play a big role in our energy. If your body is deficient in a nutrient, that means that it can’t engage in the processes that the nutrient requires, or at least not as well. Chronic nutrient deficiency means that your always deficient in a nutrient. Also, chronic nutrient deficiency leads to chronic over eating. When I talked about ATP, it requires magnesium to be activated, so it’s really MgATP. I’m always a proponent of food first. The color green in a food is an indicator of magnesium. So, green leafy vegetables, avocados, and cacao are great sources. I also recommend supplementation with this because the soil is depleted, and doesn’t have much left. Oral supplement such as Malate, Glycinate, Threonate, Chloride, Oxide, Taurate, and Orotate. There is also topical magnesium you can use for spot treatments. This is great if you have a cramp, or are trying to recover after a workout. Ease magnesium is a great brand, and is 99% absorbable.


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