Red and Infrared light Therapy (Photobiomodulation)

Photobiomodulation (PBM) is the use of therapeutic wavelengths of red and infrared light. Many of us spend 90% of our time indoors, and get a lack of light. Full spectrum light is from the sun, and is most beneficial, but the sun contains 40% infrared light. Supplementing with this light can be critical for our health, especially if we live in a cold environment. Infrared light penetrates from 700-1200 nanometers (nm), allowing it to go into the joints. It is also invisible to the human eye. Red light penetrates 620- 750 nm, allowing it to benefit the skin. One of the main mechanisms of action is through cytochrome c oxidase, which is a photoreceptor in the mitochondria. This receives light, and assists with all the benefits below. Red light therapy will also help you produce a lot of nitric oxide, which assists in cardio vascular health, and acts as a cell signaling molecule in the brain.

Benefits of PBM

1. Mitochondria

Mitochondria are cells that produce energy. They convert food, water, and oxygen into ATP (adenosine triphosphate). Red light therapy can increase the amount of mitochondria, as well as boost their function.

2. Skin health and anti-aging

Red light specifically is great for the skin. It penetrates at about 600 nanometers (nm), this allows it to be direct on the skin. It speeds the healing of wounds, scars, and increases collagen production. In this study, it shows how participants saw an improvement in fine lines and wrinkles.

3. Inflammation

In this randomized, double blind placebo control trial, participants were shown to have significant reduction of inflammation and arthritis. This paper shows how red light therapy works to make mitochondria to work more efficiently, and boost anti inflammatory compounds, along with antioxidants to speed healing.

4. Cognition

This paper goes over red light and how it benefits those with cognitive impairment. This study shows how it improves reaction time, memory, and mood. It also helps with oxygen flow to the brain for better healing of injuries.

5. Sleep

Red light therapy can regulate melatonin levels for sleep. Blue light at night can disrupt the circadian rhythm, but red light can support it. This is because cortisol is stimulated by blue light, but regulated by red light. It’s also do to the difference of wavelength of light. Sleep hormones are directly affected by light. The right light will help create a healthier cellular environment to fall asleep.

6. Testosterone

Testosterone can be dramatically benefited from red light. Cytochrome c  oxidase will be activated in the leydig cells in the testes, which are the cells that produce testosterone.

How to Select the Right Device

1. Clinically proven wavelengths

Not all light is beneficial. In the research of red light therapy, there is something called a therapeutic window. This ranges form 600-1200 nm. Within that window, you want to find one with red light in the mid 600 nm range, and near infrared light in the mid 800 range.

2. EMFs

Electromagnetic fields have been clinically been proven to be detrimental to our health. A lot of devices have you spend a lot of time in front of the device, which usually isn’t shielded from EMFs. Most devices produce high levels of EMFs, so look for a device that has a shielded cord, as well as the lights. Joovv does a great job at this.

3. Surface area

Surface area coverage is also important. The larger the surface area, the more the benefits. Targeted area treatments have their place, and can be great for things like injuries, scars, or wounds.

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  • Michelle Rossi Reply

    Great article! Thank you for writing this, it is super helpful!

    July 11, 2022 at 12:09 am

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