How To Develop Big Chi- Stay Free, Kingship, and Boss Shit

What Is Big Chi-

Big chi is the concept of owning your energy and who you are. It’s about loving life, and living it to the fullest. Do things that put yourself in your heart space. Really being connected to your purpose and why your here. Big chi also is ultimately about service and really showing up. When we show up as our best selves, we can give the gifts that were meant to.

Stay Free

1. Know who you are

It’s very important to know who you are. In a world where there is so much uncertainty, we need to stay grounded. We find out who we are by challenging ourselves, and making it through them. Were not who we think we are, or supposed to do. What we are ultimately is the truth. We just have to do some finding before we get there.

2. Walk the path

Your purpose and calling are very important. This is because with out a purpose and a mission everyday, it’s easy to get off track. Keep your purpose in mind by asking yourself empowering questions. When you do this, your thoughts won’t get off track, and it’s easier to stay free.

3. Own your mission

Owning your mission is about staying on track with your habits that keep you successful. Discipline equals freedom. This will also protect you from any negative influence. Your purpose is about growth and service. Waking up with enthusiasm everyday and getting after it.


1. No mercy

Have no mercy when it comes to your dreams and goals. Be relentless in your pursuit. Have no mercy on the path to freedom. Never surrender, and always win. This has to be put in context. This has to be done with principles. I am more so talking about going after a goal in your heart that you know is yours, keep going.

2. Strategize

Having a strategy for your dream is key. Knowing who you are and what your about is where it’s at. Having a strategy for your life overall gives you a sense of direction. Take inventory of all areas of your life, health, wealth, relationships, and beyond. Ask yourself how you can improve and where you can get better. Most people never do this, which is why they get average results, and end up living on accident.

3. Stand for the truth

Stand for the truth means to strip away everything that is not of excellence. The truth always exists, the question is are we going to be open to it or not. Sometimes we have to strip away layers of fear in order to get to it. This is critical to live a life of order and freedom.

Boss Shit

1. Accurate thinking

It’s very important to have accurate thinking, for it is the basis of our reality. In order to do this, we must get over ourselves, and get to the truth. Learning how to critical think is necessary. Being able to distinguish between fact and fiction. In order to do this, you must be calm and steady.

2. Well rounded

This speaks to being well rounded in all areas of life. Everything affects everything else. Knowing this is important because then you won’t neglect anything. Being the man in one area is not enough, you must focus on all areas. You don’t have to everything at once, and you don’t have to be perfect.

3. Know thyself

Knowing yourself is about knowing who you really are at your core. Not who you think your supposed to be or what your supposed to do. You have to understand that your on a divine mission, and you have to listen to your inner guidance. Do you really believe what you believe, or is it someone else’s? Awareness is the first step, from there we can create real change.

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