Viceless- The Path, Stoicism, and Honor

What Does It Mean To Be Viceless?

This is essentially the character trait of not being reliant on any vices. A vice is something that separates from the truth of who you are. When you are truly in alignment with who you are and your purpose, that is true freedom. This totally possible, and it is for you.

How To Become Viceless

Freedom orientation-

This is the concept of understanding that freedom comes from within. All vices are an outward expression of inner turmoil. Becoming the one requires that you look within and access all your weaknesses. From this place, we can create real change. The path toward greatness is within, all we have to do is follow it.

Fail Like A Boss-

When you fail, fail like a boss. Understand that it’s okay, and don’t make it worse. A set back is a set up for a come back. Leverage the failure for a new opportunity. Take the lesson and move forward.


Stoicism is essentially about remaining at peace while accepting the things that you can not change, and focusing your energy towards your actions. It’s not about denying or suppressing emotions, but is about utilizing them in an intelligent way toward a worthy ideal.

Replace it with something of equal or greater value-

What ever you may be dealing with, it won’t go away just because you want it to. This requires consistant and intentional action. Understand that the habits that you have formed happened over a long period of time, and is better replaced with something similar, but in the positive realm. Sometimes you can cut it off right away, this happens with extreme pain attached to the habit.

Your Label Becomes Your Limit-

What ever you label yourself as, that may become your limit. Don’t label yourself because it’s usually not accurate. Dream beyond all measure, and take the necessary actions. Push the limits of what’s possible, and break through any barriers.

Heart Centered-

Do what ever you can to be aligned with what is true to you. Align yourself with the truth. When were incoherent, it’s hard to make our dreams a reality. Spend time in nature, and understand that you matter. Look to be of service and help anyway that you can.


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