Food Addiction- What It Is, Causes, and How To Win

What Is Food Addiction?

This can be classified as the involuntary need to compulsively eat food. Food manufactures work very hard to make us addicted to their product. The more we eat of it, the more money that they make. It’s not that their bad people, it’s just a business model.

What Causes Food Addiction?

Food addiction has many causes. The reality is that ultra processed food is addictive as it is, so it really doesn’t take much to become addicted, the question is to what degree. Addiction may have it’s roots in the emotional realm as well. We may be using food to avoid painful events or past experiences. We also may use it as a coping mechanism. The reality is that when we know we have a problem is that we know this is harming us, but feel we have no control over it.

How To Win From Food Addiction

When we have a negative habit, it’s important to replace it with something of equal or greater value. Our brain is either running from pain or seeking rewards. Adding more positive habits such as exercise, meditation, and service will help you see yourself in a different light and make the transition easier. Also, doing things like to keeping it in the house is important as well. Proximity equals power. It doesn’t take will power to avoid something you don’t have.

Becoming The Greatest Version Of Yourself

Food addiction can be a hard thing to deal with, and perhaps even run your life. There are indeed strategies that can be put in play to overcome this, and there is hope. At the end of the day we must do this if we want to be the greatest version of us and really serve the community. When we have things like this holding us back, were not able to serve at our fullest capacity. Understand that the world needs you and you are wanted. This is going to require that you overcome a lot of obstacles, and they are all designed to become the greatest version of you, wake up my friend.


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