How To Stay Healthy In The Summer

What Does It Mean To Stay Healthy In The Summer?

Yes, there are general principles to staying healthy all the time, but there are certain things you can do each season to stay well. In the summer it’s obvious, but I would like to go over some strategies to overcome health issues and become the greatest versions of ourselves.

Things To Avoid

1. Sunscreen

Sunscreen is created to block out the UVB spectrum of light, which is responsible for vitamin D production. Unfortunately, it leaves you with access UVA radiation, which can be harmful when it’s alone. Sunscreen often contains carcinogenic compounds ironically. It has it’s place in spot instances, but look for a natural version containing zinc oxide.

2. Sun glasses

Sunglasses block out much of the sun, thus blocking out the beneficial effects. Sunlight through the eyes actually stimulates the skin to produce melanin. Wear sunglasses only when it’s necessary, or at a party on occasion. If our eyes are going to properly adapt to light, they can not be blocked. 70% of photoreceptors are in our eyes, and are needed for countless enzymatic reactions.

3. Excess entertainment

Access entertainment such as TV and video games can be harmful for a variety of reasons. Of course your not getting outside as much, but your exposing yourself to junk light while being sedentary, along with the excess EMFs.

Things To Add

1. Sunlight

Sunlight has largely been vilified by the media. People are afraid of the sun. The reality is that people who rarely go out in the sun are at greatest risk for skin cancer. People who gradually build their exposure have very low rates of skin cancer. The benefits of sunlight are enormous. It’s responsible for the synthesis of vitamin D, lowers blood pressure, increases nitric oxide, efficiency of the heart, regulates cholesterol, generates ATP, and influences countless other hormones and neurotransmitters. Get as much light in the morning as possible. This helps set your circadian rhythm, and increase serotonin.

2. Earthing

Earthing is the practice of being connected to the earth. It involves being connected via the skin, usually the feet. Standing in conductive sources like grass, sand, water, snow, and asphalt can have a tremendous amount of health benefits. Up until recent times, our ancestors were connected the the earth 24/7. Now, we are pretty much disconnected from the earth 24/7. Humans are conductive beings because of our mineral content. This is why we can be shocked, and why doctors use EKGs (electrocardiogram) and EEGs (electroencephalogram), which measures the electric energy the heart and brain puts out. The earth itself is very conductive, and is brimming with free electrons. A free radical essentially is an unpaired electron, and for it to be neutralized, it needs a free electron. This is what the earth is brimming with, and because were both conductive, it’s been shown that we can absorb these free electrons through the earth. We always talk about getting antioxidants through food, yes do that, but that doesn’t compare to the actual source of where it comes from, the earth. It is a good idea to ground at least 20-30 minutes per day in order to get the benefits.

3. Relationships

This is the most important principle for all relationships. It all starts with your perceived value and what you believe your worth. All relationships begin with who you perceive yourself to be. Make sure that your doing your work on your end of the relationship. These principles are going to apply to all relationships. If your going to anything great, it’s going to be with and through the help of other people. Relationships are the glue that hold your life together. Understand this, and you will stay free.

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