How To Create Lasting Happiness

What Is Lasting Happiness?

Lasting happiness must be built on a solid foundation of love. You also must have an understanding between the difference of happiness and pleasure. Pleasure has it’ place, but is short term and fleeting. Long term happiness requires you live by foundational principles that cultivate an inner sense of freedom.

How To Develop Lasting Happiness

1. Overcome your story

Overcoming your story is about overcoming the big and past challenges in your life. We all have a story, the question is the pen in your hands, or are you passing it on to someone else. When it’s in your hands, you get to decide what happens next.

2. Be Willing To Look The Other Way

This is very important. Forgiveness is key. Giving people another chance because we all mess up. Don’t let your temporary hurt get in the way of the mission of long term freedom.

3. Build self trust

Trusting yourself in all situations will allow you to move forward. When we don’t trust ourselves for what ever reason (usually past trauma), we can’t fully heal. Putting ourselves in challenging situations and making it through them will help build self trust. Correcting past mistakes and moving on.


We tend to suffer because somewhere in our mind, we experience loss, less, and never. The reality is that these are usually illusions. Challenges can be alchemized into gifts and become our greatest strengths.


When we experience loss, There is always something of greater or equal value on the other side. Loss requires a mindset in which you don’t see a better future.


When we feel we have less of something, we can also suffer. Feeling like that you will never be as good as you once were can cause mental instability. Understanding that there is always a way to make progress is key.


When we have had something, and believe that it will never happen again, then we will suffer. Understanding that when there’s a will, there’s 10 thousand ways. There’s always something better on the other side.

Understanding that the present moment is all that we have, the past doesn’t exist, the future hasn’t happened yet. When they do happen it happens in the now, so that’s all we really have. Understand this, then you can maximize this moment, and take it into the next.

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