Bladder- What It Is, and How To Keep It Healthy

What Is the Bladder?

The bladder is part of the urinary tract system, which also includes the kidneys, ureter, and the urethra. The bladder is made up of muscle, and it’s primary role is to store urine. It can stretch and contract.

Things That Damage the Kidneys

1. Pesticides

Pesticides have been shown to significantly impact the markers of kidney disease.

2. Toxic air

The air that we breathe is very important. Often times, it can carry unwanted toxins for a variety of reasons. This is another burden that we don’t need. Using HEPA air filters and learning how to nasal breathe will automatically clean the air you breathe.

3. Medications

Some medications can be quite damaging to the kidneys. If the kidneys get damaged, they wont be able to filter toxins as well. Don’t take medication unless it’s absolutely necessary, and prescribed by a physician.

How To Improve Kidney Function

1. Drink more high quality water

Water is extremely important for kidney function. It’s required for  renal function, producing hormones, and filtration. The quality of water that we drink also matters a lot. If you don’t have a filter, you are the filter. Using a reverse osmosis system will leave you with very clean water, but be sure to add the minerals back in to aid with absorption.

2. Increase your mineral intake

Minerals are very important to maintain fluid balance. Water requires minerals to be absorbed properly. Also, the adrenal glands that sit on top of the kidneys need them to create the wide variety of hormones that they create, and to modulate stress levels. Having about a tea spoon of high quality salt in your water every morning is a good practice.

3. Eat real food

Eating real food will reduce your overall toxic load, and provide your body with the raw materials it needs to heal itself. Some specific foods that will help with the kidneys and blood filtration are beats, arugula, and chocolate.


1. Chanka piedra

This is an a herb well known for it’s interesting ability to break down stones in the body. This helps dilate smooth muscle of vessels, soften stones, and stimulate the release of bile.

2. He shou wu

This herb is known as a kidney tonic. It supports the normal growth and development of blood cells and red blood cell membranes.

3. Reishi

Reishi has been shown to significantly reduce, and improve the status of kidney injuries.

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