Generosity- What It Is and How To Develop It

What Is Generosity?

Generosity is the ability to look out for life as a whole. Being willing to give, being abundance minded, and genuinely wanting to serve. In order to do this, you must max out you capabilities, and be willing to become the greatest version of yourself. This means giving up old tendencies, habits, and ways of being for a better future. You understand that your not just doing it for you, but you have generations on your back.

How To Become Generous

1. Become abundance oriented

This is about knowing that there’s always enough. The more you give, the more that you get. You get out of the way, and keep your mind on a greater vision. One that transcends all odds, and one that can’t be broken. Abundance is our birth right. We are not meant to be broken and afraid. We are designed for greatness.

2. Become a King/Queen

The story of the one is eminent in all things. This is because it exists in all of us, the story of freedom. The one that is on the heroes journey, overcoming their own obstacles and short comings on a quest for greatness. Greatness is not acquired, only activated through our daily actions. The king or queen is already born, it is only a matter of expressing it.

3. Become concise and articulate

If you can’t explain something simply, then you don’t know it well enough. Be willing to make the other person look smart. If you can’t speak in a way that people can understand, then how can you expect them to listen to you?

4. The accumulation of knowledge leads to wisdom

Constantly learning and adding to your knowledge base will strengthen the mind. Books, podcasts, seminars, and mentors are all great tools. The most effective way of learning is your own experience. The one must always be adding to his utility belt and upgrading. This is because the more we grow, the better equipped we will be to serve. This refers to learning something and applying it quickly. We do not just want to walk around as human fling cabinets. Knowledge is not power, knowledge applied is power and wisdom. The number one form of knowing is experience.

5. Be Willing To Sacrifice Who You Are For What You Could Become

This requires us to be willing to get rid of our old habits, tendencies, and ways of being for a greater version of ourselves. Doing this requires courage, and willingness to change. This is freeing because we often hold on to old stories that are holding us back. When we change our actions, we can change our identity.

6. Freedom orientation

Being freedom orientated is essentially operating without any limits. When you dream beyond all measure, you give yourself permission to say what it is that you really want. We have something called the reticular activating system (RAS) in the brain, which acts as a filter of what’s going on in the unconscious. That part of the brain is designed to focus on what is important to you, and block out the rest.

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