Enthusiasm- What It Is and How To Develop It

What Is Enthusiasm?

This is the ability to stay passionate over the ling term. Maintaining a healthy mind throughout your success journey. It involves having belief, vision, and gratitude. These three are key because they allow you to maintain the required energy for enthusiasm. The root word entheos, is Greek for the God within.

How To Develop Enthusiasm

1. Belief

The power of belief is immanent in all things. The story of the one, the story of freedom. Belief is the ability to speak things into existence. The ability to stand tall and stay with what you believe in. The ability to stay true in the face of adversity.

2. Vision

It is a leaders job to create a compelling vision for the future. A vision that will inspire you and your team to wake up and get after it. In order to do this, you must feel the feelings of endless possibility. From this place, you can create and stay free. Visualization is an important step in manifestation. When you visualize, you want to focus on the end goal, as well as the steps in the process. It’s not just about visualizing the end goal, but also the bridge in order to get there. Visualizing yourself doing the work will actually lead you to do the work. It is only through actions that we get results. Also, feel what it feels like to the the steps and achieve the end goal.

3. Gratitude

This is the ability to be grateful for our current life. It does not mean that we necessarily have to like everything that has happened, but we can at least be grateful for the lessons. When we do this, we become a victor and not a victim of our story. The great thing is that we can then pass this on to further generations. There is a field of science called psychoneyuro biology. This indicated how we think and feel influences our biology. Every thought that we think releases correlating chemistry. Thoughts can become things, but can also be created without thoughts.

4. Passion

Passion is the ability to fall in love with ones own life. It’s the ability to see through the illusion, and realize that we are a miracle. Taking all the necessary actions to become the greatest versions of ourselves. Understanding that our actions have the ability to impact the next generation. Everyday I wake up, I realize I have the ability to create change, and it starts within.

5. No retreat, no surrender

If you have a goal that you know in your heart is your, you must go for it. There will always be challenges that come up, but we must persevere. Obstacles are just opportunities to find out what to do differently. Failure is feedback, don’t change the goal, adjust the approach. The only time to change your goal is if it’s no longer in alignment with you, or it’s common sense to do so. In this case it is not quitting, it’s just making an intelligent decision that will set you up for future success.


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