Laws Of A King

What Are The Laws Of A King?

The laws of a king consist of a variety of principles that must be lived by a king. This is because without them, kingship would not be possible. They are designed to leverage our maximum capabilities, and to be of maximum service. It is through becoming the greatest version of oneself that your destiny will be foraged.

Laws Of A King

1. No retreat, no surrender

If you have a goal that you know in your heart is your, you must go for it. There will always be challenges that come up, but we must persevere. Obstacles are just opportunities to find out what to do differently. Failure is feedback, don’t change the goal, adjust the approach. The only time to change your goal is if it’s no longer in alignment with you, or it’s common sense to do so. In this case it is not quitting, it’s just making an intelligent decision that will set you up for future success.

2. No hesitation

Hesitation kills dreams. When we know what want, who we are, and what we stand for, there is no reason to live with hesitation. It’s also built on trust. Trust is important because it is the foundation of integrity. Trusting yourself in all situations will allow you to move forward. When we don’t trust ourselves for what ever reason (usually past trauma), we can’t fully heal. Putting ourselves in challenging situations and making it through them will help build self trust. Correcting past mistakes and moving on.

3. Miracle Territory

This is about being where your supposed to be at the time your supposed to be there. This is important because when we get to the spot, that’s where progress is made. If were doing something else meaningless that is not moving us toward our goals and dreams, then what are we doing? This requires a sense of urgency. It’s important to have a sense of urgency because your not here forever. We think we have time, which leads us to not making the most of our life. Having a sense of urgency allows you to stay on track with your goals.

4. Integrity

Integrity is the ability to keep your word with yourself. The more integrity you have, the more you will be able to serve others because they know they can rely on you. Integrity comes from staying true to you word, and being the change you wish to see in the world. When people see you keep your word, it serves as a model for them to do the same.

5. Growth and Service On The Mind

I wake up everyday with growth and service on the mind. Freedom at the forefront. What questions do I need to ask, and decisions do I need to make today for a better future? In the face of temptation remember your why, and the people your doing this for. Never put immediate gratification before the mission.

6. Altruism

This is the character trait of looking out for life as a whole. Being able to see people for who they are and willing to help. You see the value in all life, and will do anything to preserve and expand it. Being generous is a virtue. Giving from your overflow so you are not left drained. Anytime you truly have the ability to help someone, do it. The more you give, the more you get. Even with that, you are not giving to get, but giving to serve. We are all connected, and if other people are winning, in a way we all are. The rising tide raises all ships, and there’s enough for everyone.

7. The mindset of a king

The mindset of a king in summary consists of examining every part of their life and improving upon that. The art of self examination is very important. The art of silence is very important. Being able to reflect on your day and make adjustments. Making sure your on point with your goals and dreams. Waking up everyday with senserity and earnestness in the heart is key. Genuinely wanting to make a change. This type of mind will truly change the world because you are giving from a place of selflessness.

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