Hero- What It Is and How To Become One

What Is A Hero?

A hero is someone who is willing to sacrifice who they are for what they could become. Someone who is willing to go first and become the greatest versions of themselves. A hero essentially lifts others up while maintaining equanimity.

How To Become A Hero

1. Heroes journey

The heroes journey begins with one step. The story of freedom, of tribulations and triumph. It’s not that you won’t get knocked off the path, but the question is how do you develop resilience to keep going. This will determine your destiny. This is the path where ones destiny is foraged. This is because it’s what were born for, what we die for. Life is foraging you into the person you need to become in order to serve at the level your designed to.

2. Life and death are intertwined

If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything. You must be willing to die for what you live for if you hope to achieve greatness. You must be willing to go all in on life. Put all your chips in like a G.

3. Deal Or No Deal

You have been blessed with an opportunity called life, what are you doing with it? Most of us don’t really know who we are, let alone know what we want. This is a shame, but also by design. We call this the matrix. Freedom comes from within, remember this.

4. Be Willing To Sacrifice Who You Are For What You Could Become

This requires us to be willing to get rid of our old habits, tendencies, and ways of being for a greater version of ourselves. Doing this requires courage, and willingness to change.This requires us to be willing to get rid of our old habits, tendencies, and ways of being for a greater version of ourselves. Doing this requires courage, and willingness to change. Essentially being willing to sacrifice who we are for what we could become.

5. Lift others up

You must want to see others win. This is because a heroes job is to first become the greatest versions of themselves, then out poor that to the world. Be a model and an example for what is possible. Have no fear and stay free. This is because courage can’t exist in the absence of fear. It is only through circumstances that produce fear that we can demonstrate courage. For this we must know fear and understand it. We must understand our own tendencies and dispositions to fear so we can create a plan. Every thought that we think releases correlating chemistry in our bodies. Whether its thoughts of love, or thoughts of fear. For example, feelings of love or happiness will release hormones such as oxytocin and serotonin; and thoughts of fear will produce epinephrine and cortisol. Fear in of itself is not bad, it’s actually quite an important tool. It’s more about how we manage the fear. How do we use fear as an asset and to better associate with it? Under fear or stress, the blood vessels of our prefrontal cortex (responsible for cognition) get shut, and the blood goes to the amygdala which is the part of the brain responsible for fight or flight. When this happens you become less intelligent and reactive. The so called powers that be know this very well and use it as a control tactic to pay attention, or do what they say. We must develop self awareness and situational awareness in order to critically think about the situation. We tend to fear what we don’t understand. When you are present, you are much more able to consciously determine whether the fear is real or not.

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