High Performance- What It Is and How To Get It

What Does It Mean To Have High Performance?

This is the ability to function at your peak as much as possible. This is important because the more effective we can be, the more we can make our dreams a reality. This comes from implementing certain practices, habits and mindsets, to be the greatest version of you.

How To Become A High Performer

Have a mission-

Your level of success will not exceed your level of personal development because success is something you attract by the person you become. Be willing to grow beyond yourself for new change. Your purpose and mission is most important and foundational when getting to the top. This is because having a foundational understanding of why your doing this will give the mission quality, and the ability to endure. Where is your expertise, what is your story, and who do you want to serve?

Know your why-

Knowing your why is akin to knowing your purpose. When times get hard, you can call on your why. Doing things for the people you love is a common one. One persons obedience is connected to so many peoples destines; meaning everything we do can significantly impact other people. If you don’t have a why, you will get knocked down every time. Those with a why can endure almost any how.

Take care of your health-

Health mastery is the combination of mindset and physical, mental, and spiritual practices to achieve optimal health. It requires that you take agency over yourself and your body. The only way to master your health is to take 100% responsibility. The thing about mastering your health, is that when you do, you can act as a guide to help others do the same. The more healthy you are, and the better you feel, the more productive you will be.

Become and all around player-

Being an all around player is about optimizing all areas of life. Many of you are sweet in one area, and you think your the man. The problem is that everything feeds into each other. What good is being wealthy if your obese with terrible relationships? You owe it to yourself to optimize everything, you have what it takes. It’s your duty to do this, and the world is counting on you.


The more fit you are and the more you engage in physicality, the better of a performer you will be. Being strong, staying in motion, and the mind body connection. Being physically strong and mobile is always important because it allows you to stay ready and pursue what you want. Feeling your best will lead you to achieving your best.

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