Influence- How To Create Change, Develop Character, and Usher In A New Age Of Freedom

What Is Influence?

Influence is the ability to create change in society and the world by first creating change within oneself. Influence must first happen within because it is through developing oneself that real change can be made. Influence is about making change on the inside, and expressing that on the outside. To influence, you first have to be influenced.

How To Create Change

1. Know thyself

Knowing thyself is simple. It has been known sense the dawn of time; if we look at many ancient cultures, weather it be ancient Egypt, Greece, or beyond; the masters new they could master their reality by first mastering themselves. This is done through a lot of introspection. This can be in the form of reflection, meditation, or inquiry. This leads to breakthroughs to master the mind.

2. Know your audience

Knowing your audience is important for a variety of reasons. They say that you can’t help everyone, but that’s not exactly true. Were all connected, so improving your life, or someone else’s will create a ripple effect in some way. You must be able to connect to your audience. They connect through your own story and hardship. They will be able to connect because you will be a model to overcome their own story.

3. Build relationships

This is the most important principle for all relationships. It all starts with your perceived value and what you believe your worth. All relationships begin with who you perceive yourself to be. Make sure that your doing your work on your end of the relationship. These principles are going to apply to all relationships. Building relationships with other people, lifting them up, celebrating their wins, and wanting them to succeed. The more you connect with other people, the more generative energy you will have to move the world forward.

Develop Character

Personal Development-

Personal development works to develop who you are as a person. Updating old beliefs and ways of being that no longer serve you. Being the greatest version of yourself means focusing on all areas and how you can up level in them. You know who you are, and there are certain principles that you live by. Living in accordance with your own value system is key. Eric Thomas is the number 1 motivational speaker in the world, I would go to him for assistance.

100 percent responsibility-

Taking 100% responsibility for your life is key. This does not mean that everything is your fault, but you get to decide what happens next. This means healing from past trauma, and removing any blocks you may have on your path to greatness. When we blame people or circumstances, we give our power away to change. Freedom is in your hands, take it my friend.


This is the character trait of looking out for life as a whole. Being able to see people for who they are and willing to help. You see the value in all life, and will do anything to preserve and expand it. Being generous is a virtue. Giving from your overflow so you are not left drained. Anytime you truly have the ability to help someone, do it. The more you give, the more you get. Even with that, you are not giving to get, but giving to serve. We are all connected, and if other people are winning, in a way we all are. The rising tide raises all ships, and there’s enough for everyone.

How To Usher In A New Age Of Freedom

Create a compelling vision-

It is a leaders job to create a compelling vision for the future. A vision that will inspire you and your team to wake up and get after it. In order to do this, you must feel the feelings of endless possibility. From this place, you can create and stay free. Visualization is an important step in manifestation. When you visualize, you want to focus on the end goal, as well as the steps in the process. It’s not just about visualizing the end goal, but also the bridge in order to get there. Visualizing yourself doing the work will actually lead you to do the work. It is only through actions that we get results. Also, feel what it feels like to the the steps and achieve the end goal.

What is Purpose?

Purpose is what wakes you up everyday with enthusiasm and direction. It gives you a foundation on how to build your life. The thing about purpose, is that it’s not always great, it will give you a lot of challenges as well. I believe the foundation of everyones purpose is growth and service, but how everyone expresses that is going to be different. Your purpose can also change overtime, but not the foundation. I used to believe that it had to be tied in with your career, but not necessarily. Perhaps now, it’s to be the best parent you can be, and maybe in a few years it will be something else.

How to find your purpose-

Now that we know what it is, how do we find it? Given that the foundation is growth and service, I would start by working on you. Find peace and clarity within. Overcome past traumas, limiting beliefs, and old patterns. Start becoming the greatest version of yourself. From that place, it will be much easier to know what direction your purpose is in because you got the foundation down.

Build a team-

If we are going to accomplish anything great, it’s going to be with and through the help of other people. We can not do success alone. You can be sweet for a while, but you can truly change the world with a superhero team. Find like minded people in places where they would be. Go to where people grow and lift each other up.

No mercy-

Have no mercy when it comes to your dreams and goals. Be relentless in your pursuit. Have no mercy on the path to freedom. Never surrender, and always win. This has to be put in context. This has to be done with principles. I am more so talking about going after a goal in your heart that you know is yours, keep going.


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