How To Create A Healthy Home- EMFs, Light, Air, and Water

What Is A Healthy Home?

A healthy home consists of a lot of factors. Today we will talk about the factors that go into it to optimize health and wellness. The healthier our home, the healthier we and our families can be.


EMFs (Electromagnetic Frequencies) can consist of native EMF, or non native EMF. Native EMF is emitted from the earths surface at 7.8 hz. This is actually very beneficial for our health. Non native EMFs emit radio waves, electric fields, magnetic fields, and dirty electricity. All of these come from man made technology. All of these have been proven to be detrimental to our health. Technology is phenomenal, and has it’s place, but this does not come without drawbacks.


  1. Use a either net cable for computers to connect to the internet. Wi-Fi will not be necessary, and turn it on airplane mode when not in use.
  2. If you need to use Wi-Fi, shut it off when not in use. Do this by putting it in airplane mode. Airplane mode dramatically reduces EMF exposure. Here is a great video comparing what happens when your phone is on, and off of airplane mode. If you do this with your phone, it will largely also increase battery life.
  3. Turn off all electronics, and unplug anything that doesn’t need to be plugged in while your sleeping. If something is plugged, but turned off, it still produces electric fields.
  4. Replace your microwave for a regular oven, or toaster. Microwaves are a huge source of EMF, and potentially denatures food.
  5. Avoid the use of smart appliances. This just adds extra EMF in your environment, and you often can not turn off the Wi-Fi.
  6. Switch out the fluorescent, and LED bulbs for clear incandescent. The fluorescent, and LEDs emit high amounts of electrical current. They also produce unhealthy light that damages the retina. Incandescent produce full spectrum light.
  7. Install dirty electricity filters. These filter out dirty electricity, a form of non native EMF, that is produced from your appliances.


Light plays a critical, and often overlooked aspect in our health. Were going to go over sunlight, artificial light, and light therapy devices. By the end of this, you will know how to incorporate more light into your life.


  1. Get as much light in the morning as possible. This helps set your circadian rhythm, and increase serotonin.
  2. Don’t overuse sunglasses, and sunscreen. Sunglasses block out much of the sun, thus blocking out the beneficial effects. Sunlight through the eyes actually stimulates the skin to produce melanin. Wear sunglasses only when it’s necessary, or at a party on occasion. Sunscreen often contains carcinogenic compounds ironically. It has it’s place in spot instances, but look for a natural version containing zinc oxide.
  3. Avoid artificial light at night, and during the day. They often contain light that is not full spectrum, and has an abnormal amount of blue light. Blue light at night especially disrupts the circadian rhythm.
  4. Use incandescent bulbs instead of LEDs, and fluorescents. Look for a high CRI (color rendering index), this is the ability to reflect natural light accurately. Look for a CRI of 97, or higher, incandescent bulbs have 100. The other thing to look for is degrees K. The sun has 5500 K generally, many LEDs have higher degrees than that. Look for bulbs below 3000 K. The other thing to consider is flicker rate. LEDs operate digitally using PWM (pulse width modulation), or the lights switching from full intensity, to switching off, over, and over again. This is called flicker. Even know you can’t perceive this happening consciously, your retina does. Research shows that this causes retina damage, and cell death. Incandescent bulbs don’t have these issues.
  5. Use photobiomodulation when necessary. PBM is the use of light therapy devices. Many of us, especially in the winter months do not get enough light. Infrared, and red light has been heavily researched for, nitric oxide, blood flow, stem cells, endocrine function, kidney function, and skin health. These light frequencies are between 750-1200NM of light. I use the Joovv light, as many other health experts recommend.
  6. Use light dims, and Iristech software. Light dims are dark stickers you can put over artificial light sources in your home. For example, the lights on the dishwasher, or other appliances. You can get these at light dims, or Iristech software is a software for the computer that takes out the blue light from the screen. It also modulates the flicker rate of the screen. This will make the screen much easier on your eyes, and overall health. Some people talk about F.lux software. This has benefits, but Iris has way more features.


Every single day, we inhale about 15,000 liters of air. Any toxins in that air we circulated throughout our entire body. According to research at MIT, air pollution causes 200,000 early deaths a year. When pregnant women are exposed to air pollution, it can cause pre mature birth, and birth defects, like asthma, autism, and lower IQ. One of the key ways air pollution causes damage is through cellular inflammation, detoxification impairment, and impairing the immune system. Air pollution is often hard to avoid do to industry, factories, fossil fuels, and more. We have to focus on what we can control. There are indeed various strategies we can use to improve air quality around us.


  1. Deep nasal breathing- The air that is processed through the nose goes through small hairs called cilia. These filter, warm, cool, or humidify the air. Breathing in, and out through the nose helps us to take deeper, and fuller breaths. The lower lung receptors are associated with the parasympathetic nervous system that relax the body, while the upper lungs are associated with the sympathetic nervous system, this is more of  a stress response. The sinuses also produce nitric oxide, this helps us protect against viruses, and dilate the blood vessels.
  2. Bring nature indoors- Open windows as much as possible. This gets stale air to circulate, and create more negative ions. These are very energizing to the body, and what you would find in abundance by the beach. When you allow air to circulate, it also cleanses the air. You can also use a fan, this helps generate negative ions, and circulate the air.
  3. Get house plants- Having clean air that is filtered, charged, and circulating can be accomplished by having many house plants. NASA did a clean air study that showed the most beneficial plants for air cleaning. Some of them included english ivy, snake plant, and peace lilly. Plants also produce beneficial aromatic compounds that reduce stress. Having more greenery around in general is great.
  4. Install HEPA (high efficiency particulate absorbing) air filters in your home. These filter down to .003 microns of air. These also filter out gas, and VOCs if it has a carbon filter. I use the air doctor, this has all these filters, plus a negative ion generator. You also can get a molekule. This is a filter that operates out of PECO ( photo electrochemical oxidation), and operates at the molecular level. This destroys pollutants 1000 times smaller than HEPA filters.
  5. Use Essential oils- All essential oils are antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and antiseptic. Diffusing these throughout the air can be very beneficial, and purifying to the air. Most notably, thieves, oregano, lemon, peppermint, and rosemary.
  6. Use natural cleaners- Synthetic cleaners are a huge source of pollution indoors, and outdoors. These have been proven to disrupt the nervous system, and the endocrine system. There are many natural cleaners that are very effective. Some brands include biokleen, better life, and 7th generation.


The planet is made of about 70% water, and our bodies are no different. When we say 70% of our bodies are made of water, it’s really saying that it’s going into the creation of our tissues. Water becomes other things because it’s a universal solvent. Water is also very conductive do to the mineral content. It acts as a crystal, and is able to store information.


Municipal water supply-

In our country, we don’t have to deal with problems like drinking water that will kill you. In some places, water is infested with parasites, and bacteria. We do have to deal with how we clean water. Many pharmaceutical drugs are found in the water supply, like antibiotics, opioids, SSRIs, hormone replacement, heavy metals, and pesticides. Also, water is treated with chlorine, also known as bleach. The reason this is used is to kill bacteria, but we are made of bacteria. Chlorine kills all types of bacteria, even the beneficial. Fluoride is also added. Fluoride is actually proven to be detrimental to our health in a variety of ways. It actually damages the bones, cause dementia like symptoms, and thyroid. Fluoride is also considered a medication, so by putting it in the water, this is a direct violation of our consent to take medication.

Reverse osmosis-

Reverse osmosis is by far the best method for filtering tap water. This works to simulate the earths natural hydrological cycle by putting water through a semipermeable membrane that filters out everything down to .001 microns. Bacteria is .4 microns. This leaves you with very clean water, but there’s a problem. This leaves you with pure H2O, which doesn’t exist in nature. In nature water always has minerals in it, it’s alive. Drinking water without minerals can take minerals from your own body because it requires minerals to process water. Also, many under the counter tanks can fill with bacteria over time if they’re not cleaned, which many people don’t know about. So the solution to this would be to add minerals back to the water via a good quality sea salt, or liquid mineral drops. This will liven up the water. Also, a counter top reverse osmosis filter will be much easier to clean, so you don’t have the bacteria issue. Aquatru makes a great one, also they have an under the sink version with a novel cleaning solution.

Well water-

Well water comes from aquifers. When you drill down, and create a well, the waters not quite ready yet. The water is still in process, and is ready when it comes up in the spring. This is why well water may have too many minerals.


This is the most optimal form of water, bar none. This is the cleanest, and vibrant water that exists, and has gone through the hydrological cycle. You can go to to find a spring near you.


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