Posture- What Is It, Neck, Spine, Feet, and Emotional Posture

What Is Posture?

Posture is simply being in the proper aligned physical position from head to toe for optimal function. Posture is important because it allows you to operate with ease of movement, putting less strain on your body, and being more efficient. Overtime, if you don’t have a good posture, you will break down, and not be able to function properly.

How To Improve Your Posture


There is a condition called tech neck, given the name for the bodies adaptation to being in a certain position while operating technology. It’s also known as forward head posture. You can recognize it by someones default position being head slightly forward. This puts a lot of strain on the neck and spine. In order to correct it, of course be mindful of standing in alignment as much as possible while using technology. Also, you would benefit from from strengthening the upper back, and stretching the chest.


We have already talked about the cervical spine (neck), no we will talk about the thoracic (upper back) and lumbar (lower back) spine. Many of us have back pain for a variety of reasons. Everything from how we move throughout the day, too much sitting, even the types of shoes we wear can affect our spine. If you have forward head posture or thoracic kyphosis, then follow the steps in the previous paragraph. If you have low back pain (lumbar kyphosis), then I would recommend limiting the amount of time you are sitting. This is because it’s usually an unnatural position that turns off the abs and gluts, and hyperactivity the back and hips. Taking breaks throughout your work day is also a good idea. Doing what you can to release the hips and strengthen the glutes will help your posture.


Our feet are the foundation of our body, and any issue there will quickly effect the rest of the body. Many of us have an unnatural foot posture from growing up wearing conventional foot ware. When we wear shoes that don’t allow enough room for the toes, our bones are not able to develop properly. Also, if we only have access to flat surfaces to walk on, then the proper proprioception and muscles will not be activated like they will on say grass. In order to fix this, and get more function back in our feet, it would benefit you to transition to minimalist foot ware. This entails that the shoe does the minimum amount of work, so your foot structure is able to rebuild itself through proper movement. If you’ve been wearing conventional shoes for a long time, or have foot issues, you want to transition gradually.

Emotional posture-

Posture is often attributed to the physical, but it also goes beyond that. How do you carry yourself on a day to day basis? What are you thinking, feeling, and acting? Believe it our not, this can also affect your physical posture. If you are feeling more powerful in your mind, then your posture is likely to follow. Hold yourself in high regards, this is confidence. Confidence is very important because it allows you to operate as the greatest version of yourself, and serve your mission. Also, you will be better equipped to serve others because you will have more to give.

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