Inner Work- What It Is, Benefits, and How To Do It

What Does It Mean To Do The Inner Work?

This is referring to certain practices take you to a space of freedom within yourself. We often work on the external things, such as business goals and all of the worldly things, but neglect the inner world, which is responsible for the results we get anyways. The inner world is the reason why some people achieve all of their goals, but are still unhappy. This is because they are not addressing what needs to be addressed, and are living life from the outside in, rather than the inside out.

How To Do The Inner Work

The inner work can encompass a variety of things. If we want world peace, we must first start within, and deliver that outward. We should begin with addressing our past traumas. What we have been through may be consciously or unconsciously affected our day to day lives. This is because things do not always just go away, and time does not heal all wounds. Our past experiences  have integrated themselves into who we are, and are being expressed in some way. We we have a habit or tendency we are not fond of, we must dig deeper and ask why? What feelings do I have when I do this, where did they come from, how do I transform them? Inquiry will lead you to the answers. You do not always have to have an exact answer, sometimes a feeling is sufficient, and then work from there. There is no one right approach, everyone and every situation is different, but there are foundational principles.

Benefits Of Doing The Inner Work


It will give you freedom because you have removed the old energy, which makes room for the things you actually want. You will carry a feeling of lightness that you did not know was possible. In turn, you will attract more of what you want.


Once you are operating from a place of clarity, and your goals are coming from a place of love rather that fear, then you are going to accomplish a lot more and be more fulfilled.


Doing the inner work is going to affect everyone around you, this is because you will be able to express your real authentic self, which is what people actually want. The more you have, the more you can give.


Becoming free and who you really are will help you stand tall in the face of adversity. You have a purpose, and rather stand in truth than anything else. You will be coming from a place of true strength rather than fear.


Knowing what you want, who you are, and what your here to do is a beautiful thing. It’s much easier to know where your going if you have healed your past. Having a sense of duty throughout the day.

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