Laws Of The Spirit

What Are the Laws Of the Spirit?

Laws of the spirit include the foundational principles that underline reality. Unlike man made laws, they are always based in truth, and are universal. These laws are unconsciously guiding our life in a specific direction. It would benefit us to be aware of these laws so we can harness them for our benefit.

1. First law of spirit

The first law of spirit is acceptance. This is because we can not move forward unless we accept the past. We do not have to like what had happened, but it’s simply acknowledging what is without judgement. This will allow you to be free and move forward from a solid foundation. It will also allow you to make any of the necessary changes.

2. Law of attraction

This is a common law that a lot of people have heard of. It involves that you don’t attract what you want, but you attract who you are. Visualizing, meditation, goal setting are all part of it. You must also take the required actions because it is through action that are dreams are made a reality.

3. Law of resonance

This entails how you think, feel, and act dictates your vibration so to speak, which will make you in alignment for the things that you want. Become aware of having powerful thoughts and replacing the negative energy with the positive. Having energetic hygiene practices are important because how you feel will influence how you act.

Energetic Fitness

Energetic fitness is just like physical fitness, but dealing with the spirit realm. When a setback happens, how quickly are you able to alchemize that challenge and turn it into a gift? Are you able to see the value? Nothing has meaning except for the meaning that you give it. Just like going to the gym will develop the physical body, going to the inner gym will help develop the energetic body. This entails rigerous mental training, meditation, practices like qigong. When we become aware of our tendencies, and how we respond to things, we can change and attract more of what we want. When we are energetically fit, the easier it will be to manifest.

Principles of Manifesting

Things that influence the manifestation process are your beliefs, thoughts, desires, emotions, level of resistance, and actions. Once were aware of these things, we can use it to our advantage.

1. Dream beyond all measure

Give yourself permission to say what it is that you really want. We have something called the reticular activating system (RAS) in the brain, which acts as a filter of what’s going on in the unconscious. That part of the brain is designed to focus on what is important to you, and block out the rest.

2. Visualize

Visualization is an important step in manifestation. When you visualize, you want to focus on the end goal, as well as the steps in the process. It’s not just about visualizing the end goal, but also the bridge in order to get there. Visualizing yourself doing the work will actually lead you to do the work. It is only through actions that we get results. Also, feel what it feels like to the the steps and achieve the end goal.

3. Take action

This is the most important step because nothing will happen without it. It’s easier to focus on the first steps, rather than getting overwhelmed with the end goal. Don’t rush the process, trust the process.

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