The Story Of The One

The Story Of The One

The story of the one is eminent in all things. This is because it exists in all of us, the story of freedom. The one that is on the heroes journey, overcoming their own obstacles and short comings on a quest for greatness. Greatness is not acquired, only activated through our daily actions. The king or queen is already born, it is only a matter of expressing it.

Becoming The One

Do that shit your way-

You will always have people or circumstances that want to dictate how things should go for you. It is for situations like this that God gave us a middle finger. God gave you your story and set of circumstances to overcome them and stay free. Walk your own path, it’s not just a cute saying. It requires you go deep within and discover what you really want. You only live once, and to me that means we should be the greatest versions of ourselves, not engage in soley clownery and entertainment. Accomplish your dreams, say no to things that don’t align with your purpose, and have no mercy toward your goals.

Max out-

This refers to maximizing your potential in all areas of life. This requires commitment, and sacrificing who you are for what you could become. Everything feeds into each other, and nothing can be neglected. Your health will impact you ability to make money, as you relationships will impact your health. You are at the center of all of it. Once you work on upgrading you as the foundation, the necessary actions will be born out of that to create change.

Break the habit of being yourself-

This refers to overcoming the person you once were that carries all the trauma and unwanted experiences in your day to day life. this requires reprogramming your mind. There are a wide variety of tools to do this. The simplest of them is awareness and taking action toward a progressive realization of a worthy ideal. This will accomplish freedom because you forage your character and your life through those things.

Overcome challenges-

Overcoming challenges strengthens our character. It’s not just about overcoming any challenges, but being strategic in ones that will reach you closer to your goals. Doing hard things and putting yourself through challenging situations will make you hard. This will allow you to be more resilient against obstacles, and to take more on. For example, I recently undergone a 5 day fast. I had nothing but water and bone broth for 5 days. Why did I do this? Primarily for mental resilience, but there is also a lot of health benefits. I got a lot from it in terms of character and insight. Doing things like this on a regular basis will build character and carry over to everything else in life.

Break generational patterns-

Breaking generational patterns is about breaking all things your family our ancestors have done that are not generative. For example, a long history of poverty, disease, toxic relationships, addictions, or mediocrity. The one is the being that will break these pattens and become the model for those around them. You will start the virtuous cycle that create wealth in all forms. This is not easy, it will require you go against the grain, and potentially lose people, but it will be worth it in the end. The life that you now lead will no longer be attracted to you, and as you sacrifice who you are for what you could become, you create new room for a life that you want to lead.

North star-

Purpose is what wakes you up everyday with enthusiasm and direction. It gives you a foundation on how to build your life. The thing about purpose, is that it’s not always great, it will give you a lot of challenges as well. I believe the foundation of everyones purpose is growth and service, but how everyone expresses that is going to be different. Your purpose can also change overtime, but not the foundation. I used to believe that it had to be tied in with your career, but not necessarily. Perhaps now, it’s to be the best parent you can be, and maybe in a few years it will be something else.


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