How To Be A Spiritual Warrior- Spirituality, Purpose, Health, Wealth, and Relationships

What Is A Spiritual Warrior?

A spiritual warrior is someones who chooses to be on their path rather than follow the crowd. Your purpose is a big part of what defines you, and guides your everyday actions. You fight for what’s real and moral. Striving to be your best everyday and get better.

How To Be A Spiritual Warrior


This is the practice of going within, and discovering who we are. This is our foundation, and will directly correlate to how we operate in our reality. There are many practices to help deepen this awareness, such as meditation, breath work, and cold thermogenesis. These will help with stillness and the ability to go deeper. If we have any preconceived notions about spirituality, it’s simply the process of being on your own journey with a focus on growth and service.


Purpose is what wakes you up everyday with enthusiasm and direction. It gives you a foundation on how to build your life. The thing about purpose, is that it’s not always great, it will give you a lot of challenges as well. I believe the foundation of everyones purpose is growth and service, but how everyone expresses that is going to be different. Your purpose can also change overtime, but not the foundation. I used to believe that it had to be tied in with your career, but not necessarily. Perhaps now, it’s to be the best parent you can be, and maybe in a few years it will be something else.


Taking control of your health is a big part of being a spiritual warrior. Without your health, what do you really have. The quality of our lives will be determined by the quality of how we feel on a day to day basis. Your health will give you the power to accomplish your mission. You can take control of your health by being mindful of sleep, nutrition, and exercise. There are certain foundational principles in all of these things, to learn more about him, click here.


Wealth is another huge part of being a spiritual warrior. How you do anything is how do everything, and a lot of people carry around many limiting beliefs that will translate to other areas. If your have a limited way of thinking about money, then that limited mindset will be how you approach reality. Work on your mind and becoming a better person. Be someone who deserves massive amounts of wealth. The more people you serve, the more money you make. Money is currency, and currency is energy. This will fund your dream life. Begin to change your relationship with money to that of more a positive one. I’m not going to talk about wealth principles here, but I want to invite you to think different.


Relationships are the glue that hold your reality together. Relationships also act as a way to better relate to yourself. We see in others what we see in our selves, and visa versa. The qualities that you admire in other people are traits that you have, or want to develop. Relationships can be the number one way that our spirits grow. There are three relationships that we need to take in consideration, the one with ourselves, spirit, and other people. In that order, we can completely transform our lives by transforming our relationships.


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