Breaking The Matrix- Principles, Understanding What Were Up Against, and Mindset

What Is The Matrix?

This is the control system that is put in place that keeps us average at best. The system that keeps you from being the greatest version of your self. where you don’t know what your purpose is, where your broke, unhealthy, and unhappy. In short, it keeps you from being fulfilled and living your best life.

Who Runs The Matrix?

The “global elite” very well knows that to have power, they have to keep you down. This power is of course an illusion because real power comes from lifting people up and growth. The World Economic Forum (WEF) plays a big part at this, as they are the unelected leaders that are calling the shots. They control everything from climate change, current politics, and corporations. They work in tandem with other leaders as well as big Pharma to create “change”. They create a problem, then come up with their solution for that problem as a disguise for our own good.

How Is The Matrix Run?

The system is ran by one word, fear. If your are operating out of fear, you don’t have access to your critical thinking abilities and are much more controllable. Under fear or stress, the blood vessels of our prefrontal cortex (responsible for cognition) get shut, and the blood goes to the amygdala which is the part of the brain responsible for fight or flight. When this happens you become less intelligent and reactive. The so called powers that be know this very well and use it as a control tactic to pay attention, or do what they say.

How To Break The Matrix and Stay Free

The Power of Self Awareness-

Increasing your self awareness will improve your situational awareness. Also, being able to critical think will improve awareness. An example would be knowing whether or not it’s a real fear, or made up. Listening to your inner guidance will help you know how to respond.

Practice Courage-

Practice courage by putting yourself in challenging situations. The more obstacles you overcome, the more you build the muscle. Focusing on the small wins you get will allow you to do the bigger things.

We Tend to Fear What We Don’t Understand-

If you are presented with a topic, you are much more likely to be fearful of it if you don’t know anything about it. If we take time to understand it and break it down, the fear will be much less because we know what were dealing with.

Wealth mindset-

This is the mindset that runs on abundance. Are you living in scarcity, or abundance, faith, or fear? This decision will determine the quality of our lives. When we act out of scarcity or lack, we will never have enough. On the other hand, living in abundance will allow you to be of greater service to yourself and those around you. The rising tide raises all ships; when you get better, everyone gets better. The more you act in abundance, the more will come to you.


Learning how to take control of your finances and investing is key. Money is like oxygen, the currency to fuel your dreams. What is your relationship to money? Many of us are carrying around limiting beliefs about money. The fear of money (limiting beliefs) will lead to a lack of it. You must first be a wealthy person internally if you want sustainable wealth over the long term.


Health is not just the absence of disease, but about optimization. How well do you feel on a day to day basis? This very well may be your most valuable asset. Learning proper nutrition, sleep, and movement habits will transform your character from the inside out. I have written in depth about this on this site. A major part of health is also about mindset and emotional health. Health is not just one thing. We tend to think of nutrition and exercise; yes, but these are two important pillars of may more. Taking into account nutrition, sleep, exercise, sunlight, EMF exposure, grounding, water, hormetic stressors, emotions, relationships, and over all stress load.


The most important factor is your relationships, starting with yourself. This is because everything stems out from how you relate to yourself. How you engage with others, your daily habits, what you do and what you do not do, all stems from your mind. Cultivating healthy relationships is very important, and the foundation for a real life. United we stand and divided we fall. The more separate we feel from other people and the universe as a whole, the more easy it is for us to be controlled.

Understand What Were Up Against

What is Technocracy?

Technocracy is the idea that government is run by algorithm and not people. Technocracy describes a form of government in which scientific and technical experts serve positions of political power and make final decisions. The higher authorities appoint a technocrat instead of the public.

History of Technocracy

Technocracy was developed in the early 1900s. In 1932, technocracy inc. was housed at Columbia University, and Howard Scott was their leader. Howard Scott was discovered to be a fraud, for he did not have an engineering degree, which he had to have for the position. Murray Butler, the president of the university, found out and kicked out the whole technocracy movement. At the same time, Scott was working a lot in the media to promote technocracy. He was working with Hearst empire, and when Hearst found out he was a fraud and his media company was manipulated, he sent out a memo to every newspaper in the country saying ” if you mention technocracy again, your fired.” Patrick Wood, leading expert in technocracy, had discovered an archive at the University of Edmonton in Alberta, where all of the leaders of the Canadian technocracy movement had combined their papers in the ’90s. The documents had been placed in to a warehouse until they built up an archive to be published. After that, Wood drove down to the university to sift through all the documents to flush out what is really going on with technocracy.

What is the Trilateral Commission?

The trilateral commission was founded by David Rockefeller in 1973. Their original statement was to create a new international economic order. In David Rockefeller’s memoir, he states, “Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure—one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.” Trilateral commission members are usually appointed for government administration.

Mindset Tactics

Freedom wins-

They never can be as strong or as fast as us because they live in a reality that operates based on rules. Stand for freedom means to stand for whats real. You will not take orders from tyrants. Everything is birthed from freedom. The reality is that it can not be taken, they never gave it to us in the first place. Freedom is inherent in us, sure you can shut things down, but you can never take the true essence of freedom. We don’t play by the rules, we live by principle. Discipline equals freedom. Yes you can do whatever you want, but what are your results? If you want to be healthy, wealthy, or have great relationships; we must have the discipline to implement certain practices, habits, and mindset to get the results. They think they control us, but they misunderstand, freedom can’t be contained.

Do not comply-

What ever role your given by them, don’t play it. I understand there is a lot of personal choice with in that. For example, maybe it’s worth putting on a mask for 5 minutes to get into a building, or maybe not.

Give them no mercy-

Have no mercy when it comes to your dreams and goals. Be relentless in your pursuit. Have no mercy on the path to freedom. Never surrender, and always win. This has to be put in context. This has to be done with principles. I am more so talking about going after a goal in your heart that you know is yours, keep going. They don’t take days off, neither can we.


These are ancient Greek Philosophers with wide ranging view points. It originated from a philosopher named Zeno of Cypress, who lost everything after a shipwreck. He started reading about Socrates, and studied with some of the most noted Philosophers in the city. Some of the main philosophers of Stoicism that came after Zeno were Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, and Epictetus. They cultivated inner peace by accepting things that they can’t change, and putting their energy towards their actions. This is the type of mindset that will allow us to stay calm and effective in the midst of adversity. When we can stay centered, we can’t fall for the nonsense.


Using technology that can’t be tracked, or censored. Whether we know it or not, we are constantly being tracked and monitored. Giving them data that we don’t really understand what their doing with. They call themselves data brokers, you can draw a parallel with stock brokers. They gather your data, then sell it to third party entities. Using alternative medias like Rumble and Zion. Getting into things like Bitcoin is a good idea because it’s a decentralized form of currency. Also, alternatives to google, such as Brave and Protonmail.


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