AI- What It Is Really, Benefits, Fear Of AI, Natural Intelligence, and Utilization

What Is AI Really?

AI (Artificial Intelligence) is a field of science that involves building computers and machines that can reason, learn, and act in a way that would normally require human intelligence or that involves data whose scale exceeds what humans can analyze. It is a simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems. Specific applications of AI include expert systems, natural language processing, speech recognition, and machine vision.

Benefits Of AI

It has been effectively used in business to automate tasks done by humans, including customer service work, lead generation, fraud detection and quality control. It’s great for freeing up humans to do the more creative work instead of the more repetitive type of work if that is desired. It can be used to enhance humans in a number of areas.

What Is Machine Learning?

Machine learning is a major breakthrough for AI, it’s form of AI based on algorithms that are trained on data. The value of AI is not in the systems themselves but in how companies use those systems to assist humans and their ability to explain to shareholders and the public what those systems do in a way that builds and earns trust.

Fear Of AI

Some people say that AI will replace humans or make us irrelevant. In my mind, this is absurd. This is humanity projecting it’s idea that are worth is based on what we can do, rather than who we are on to AI. We are valuable because we inherently are, and does not require anything extrinsic. We are on our own journey of growth and service. The human journey is designed to develop our soul and be great.

Natural Intelligence Or Artificial Intelligence?

If we sit and think for a moment, what actually created the universe, multiverse, and even AI itself. It was the power of natural intelligence. Most of us don’t really understand how powerful we actually are, so we see AI as God. Unfortunately, when we compare ourselves, we negate ourselves. Real strength comes from within, and developing oneself in all areas, such as character, mindset, health, wealth, relationships, and service. Are you truly maxing out?

How To Best Utilize AI

Even if were just talking about regular technology such as smart phones and computers, there is a healthy way to use them. We can talk about the EMF component on how EMFs have thousands of studies showing how they’re detrimental to our health. Also, technology is a huge distraction for many people to what’s actually real. To combat this, work on yourself, such as intrinsic values, goals, and beliefs. This will give you a sense of purpose and help free yourself from distraction. Overall, technology and AI can be very beneficial, we just have to be aware of drawbacks, and not lose touch with of what’s real.

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