Emotional Intelligence- What Is It, Benefits, and How To Develop It

What Is Emotional Intelligence

This is the ability to navigate ones emotions in an intelligent manner. The ability to know oneself, and ones tendencies. Being able to self regulate through a variety of tools is invaluable because it will lead to a much more joyful and productive life. The thing with all the regulation tools, is that over time you have integrated them to such a degree that you become the tool. Emotional intelligence helps us move toward or away from things.

Benefits Of Emotional Intelligence

1. Better relationships

This can have a great impact on our relationships. This is because it will alter how we interact with other people. More empathy can lead to less judgement and more understanding.

2. Better health

It can equip us with the internal fortitude to make better health decisions. Being able to distinguish between short term pleasure and delayed gratification is very important.

3. Better wealth

It takes a degree of emotional intelligence to analize where are limiting beliefs may of come from. A lot of us are carrying around many beliefs about money that are not serving us. If you believe money is the root of all evil, then why would it come to you?

How To Develop Emotional Intelligence

1.The Power of Self Awareness

Increasing your self awareness will improve your situational awareness. Also, being able to critical think will improve awareness. An example would be knowing whether or not it’s a real fear, or made up. Listening to your inner guidance will help you know how to respond. The more we can be aware of what were feeling, the better.

2. Feel your feelings, and direct them in a powerful way

It’s not about emotional suppression, it’s important to feel because E-motion is energy in motion. Everything we can feel can be alchemized and directed as a force for good.

3. Stoicism

Stoicism is not about emotional suppression, which is a common misconception. Stoicism is about cultivating inner peace by accepting the things you can not change, and focusing your energy towards your actions. There’s a difference between suppressing emotions and being stable and still because you actually are strong. Only one of those is true strength.

4. Temperance

Temperance is the ability to manage our emotions in any circumstance. Not much more is important than this. If we can manage our emotions, we can manage our reality. Becoming aware of were feeling and being able to calibrate what we feel.

5. Empathy

Being able to practice empathy and compassion for other people is a great way to build emotional intelligence. Gauging how other people feel an understanding will in turn help you do that for yourself.

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