Inner Guidance- What Is It, and How To Develop It

What Is Your Inner Guidance?

Your inner guidance is defined as the inner voice of wisdom that leads you to where you want to go, and your highest good. It can lead you to your most aligned life path, including your goals and dreams. Inner guidance will help you decern between decisions that are in alignment with you and ones that are not. In short, it’s the ultimate compass to navigate your best life.

The Difference Between Fear and Your Inner Guidance

You can distinguish between these things in a simple way. Fear will drive you away from growth to a lower vibrational state, while your inner guidance will lead you to growth, or a higher vibrational state. Also, fear can be used as a tool to develop courage. Were going to have fears, but the question is, how do we respond to it.

How To Develop Your Inner Guidance System

1. Awareness

Increasing your self awareness will improve your situational awareness. Also, being able to critical think will improve awareness. An example would be knowing whether or not it’s a real fear, or made up. Listening to your inner guidance will help you know how to respond.

2. Meditation

Think of meditation as brain training. Being able to stay focused throughout the day in a world of distractions is invaluable. Meditation can reduce cortisol, which is your bodies main stress hormone. There are many different forms of mediation, but the most common type is mindfulness. Simply sit quietly where you won’t be disturbed, and observe your thoughts. Do not judge them, just notice them. Being aware of your thought can help you change them, and even still the mind. The more relaxed we are, the more energy we will have for healing the body.

3. Qigong

Qigong is an ancient practice that was developed in ancient China over 5000 years ago. The word qigong translates to energy work. It differs form tai chi because qigong is an umbrella term that tai chi fits under as a martial arts form of qigong. Qigong tends to use simpler movements, while tai chi is more complex. Both have tremendous value, it really depends on your goals. There are actually 1000s of research papers that were done on qigong showing its benefits. This is great for tuning your inner guidance because it forces you to focus on your breath, movements, and visualization.

4. Visualize

Visualization is an important step in manifestation. When you visualize, you want to focus on the end goal, as well as the steps in the process. It’s not just about visualizing the end goal, but also the bridge in order to get there. Visualizing yourself doing the work will actually lead you to do the work. It is only through actions that we get results. Also, feel what it feels like to the the steps and achieve the end goal.

5. Conscious language

Our inner voice, our thoughts, how we talk to ourselves; we are constantly speaking things into existence. Becoming aware of our speech, not complaining, and using our inner voice to empower us instead of disempower us. Being cognizant of our speech can help drive our lives in the direction that we want.

6. Sparing

Life is training. Everything is an opportunity to grow and get better. Managing our responses to things, our thoughts and emotions, are state of mind. All of these things are a result of our perception and how we see things. You can change your state of mind by changing how you move and what you focus on.

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