Heavy Metals- What Are They, Harmful Effects, Testing, and How To Remove Them

What Are Heavy Metals?

These are naturally occurring elements that would occur deep under the earths surface. Our ancestors would never be exposed to them for this reason. Do to modern technology, it is now hard to escape them. They consist of lead, cadmium, mercury, aluminum, and arsenic.

Harmful Effects of Heavy Metals

There are different effects for each of the metals, but there are also a lot of similarities. These metals can bioaccumulate, and get bound up in fat and other organs like the brain. These metals can disrupt cellular events including growth, proliferation, differentiation, damage-repairing processes, and apoptosis.(programmed cell death). They also can induce toxicity including ROS generation, weakening of the antioxidant defense, enzyme inactivation, and oxidative stress. Lastly, do to impairment of DNA repair following the induction of oxidative stress and DNA damage by heavy metals; they are also a carcinogen.

How To Test For Heavy Metals

A heavy metals challenge test is going to be most reliable. This is because you take a substance that pulls the metals out of the tissues to then be tested. Most tests will miss this because the metals in the tissues won’t be detected.

Pitfalls of Heavy Metal Detoxification

Taking chlorella, spirulina, and cilantro are great if you don’t have heavy metal toxicity as a preventive strategy. They help pull metals and toxins out on the surface level, but what can happen with heavy metal toxicity is that it won’t pull the metals out completely, and they will recirculate. To deal with this, we need something more powerful.

How To Detox Heavy Metals From Your Body

A Systems approach-

If the detox systems of your body are not healthy, your going to have a hard time getting rid of metals, and can even be dangerous. This is because you won’t be able to completely eliminate them, and they could recirculate to other tissues like the brain. So, your going to want to follow a protocol that first rejuvenates the systems of the body to prepare for detoxification. Also, incorporating lifestyle practices like rebounding, saunas, and breathing can assist with the process.


The most effective form of chelation by far is liquid zeolites. These are also used to clean up the environment. That can also be a problem when were using them as a supplement because most of them are contaminated. These is a brand called CytoDetox that has a very clean, effective form of zeolites called Clinoptilolite. These are natural minerals formed from fossilized volcanic ash and seawater that are known as nature’s detoxifiers for the environment. To learn more about this protocol, click here.

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