Learning- Why it’s The Most Important Skill, The Problem With The Education System, Unschooling, and How To Enhance Learning Skills

The Most Important Skill-

The most important skill in todays world is learning how to learn. This is because learning, unlearning and relearning can get where you want to be in any facet. Applying what you know and skill acquisition first requires learning. Whether you want to be healthier, wealthier, or have better relationships, it’s going to require learning in some form.

The Problem With the Modern Educational System

Our ancestors would be educated through family, apprenticeship, or home businesses. Modern schools were created in the industrial revolution around 1850. This is when factories were created, and they had to have the kids do something while the parents were gone at work. It was designed to create factor workers and obedient citizens. It teaches you what to think and not how to think within a one size fits all system. Horace Mann was the creator of the system, and was adopted based off the Prussian model of education. One of the goals of the system was to have the people not be able to make sense of available information, in other words, stop using your critical thinking abilities.

Stages of Learning

Unconscious incompetence-

This means we don’t know what we don’t know. An example is that someone doesn’t know that they can reverse their chronic disease, so they live with diabetes.

Conscious incompetence-

This is when you know that you don’t know

Conscious competence-

This is when you know that you can do the skill, but it take your conscious awareness.

Unconscious competence-

This is when things become second nature, and now are a part of you. This comes through practice and putting in the reps over time.


Unschooling is about empowering the learner to choose what, when, if, and how they learn on whatever topic. In other words, the learner is not being controlled. It’s different from homeschooling becuase it’s not about gathering a bunch of text books and doing it at home instead of school. Instead, what is being learned is not being seperated from the context of which it is learned, and is about solving real world problems. It’s about finding out what your kids passions are, and equping them with the tools they need in order to pursue them.

Things That Inhibit Learning-

1. Multitasking

Multitasking is actually an impossibility. Our brain can only focus on one thing at a time, so what were really doing is task switching.

2. Digital outsourcing

When we outsource everything to our devices, our brain power diminishes. If we don’t use it, we lose it. Not to say we can’t use technology, but completely forgoing our own brain is not a good idea.

3. To much knowledge, but not enough wisdom

There is information everywhere today, but the question is what are we actually applying? It’s not just about seeing, or hearing something, but actually putting it into practice. There is a difference between knowing something, and experiencing it.

4. Distraction

All of the notifications, social media, entertainment; it’s all training our brain to be distracted. We are always in training, the question is what are we focused on? What we are focused on will determine the direction that we will go.

How To Learn Faster-

Neuro plasticity-

This is the brains ability to grow and adapt over time. The brain has the ability to do this as long as it’s alive. It is most active till the age of about 25. Neuroplasticity is trigged during intense focus, but occurs during deep sleep.


This is an acronym that was created by accelerated learning expert, Jim Kwik. It’s an excellent learning strategy that stands for free your mind, ask questions, state, and teach. The F is about forgetting about what you already know so you can be open to learning something new. Also, forgetting about distractions. The A is about asking questions. Questions can help guide our learning. Ones such as, what can I learn from this, how can I apply this, and how can I apply this to what I already know? The S is state. All learning is state dependent. What mental state we are in will determine how well we learn the information. The T is Teach. Teaching people what you know will ingrain the information in your brain. When you teach something, you get tom learn it twice.

Nootropics For Cognitive Function

Nootropics are natural substances that are used to enhance cognitive function. They should be able to enhance learning and memory, protect the brain from physical or chemical injury, and has low side effects and toxicity. Smart drugs are similar, but are drugs rather than natural substances, thus having more side effects. These can be used as supplements to enhance what we are already doing for our brain.

Methylene blue-

This has been traditionally used as fish tank cleaner. Methylene blue has been widely studied for mitochondrial health, cognitive protection, memory, attention span, and is a very powerful antiviral. Taking this 30 minutes prior to direct sunlight or photobiomodulation panels will dramatically enhance the affects. Dosing is 1-4 mg per kilogram of body weight.

Lions mane-

Lions mane is a medicinal mushroom that looks like a bundle of neurons when growing, resembling a lions mane. The benefits of this mushroom are vast. It has been specifically studied for it’s benefits on the nervous system, and cognitive function. It also promotes something called neurogenesis, or the creation of new brain cells. This happens because it contains many nerve growth factors that regenerate nerves. This has been studied for traumatic brain injuries as well. This study shows how lions mane grows new brain cells, and improved cognitive function. It’s also been studied for memoryanxiety, and depression. Dosing can be 500-3000 mg.

Qualia mind-

Qualia Mind is a multivitamin for your brain and contains a blend of nootropics, choline donors, amino acids, neuro vitamins and minerals, adaptogens, antioxidants, and neuro anti inflammatory compounds. All of these ingredients work in synergy and in the right proportions to optimize brain function. Dosing is about 7 capsules.

Royal Jelly-

Royal jelly is secreted from the glands of the worker bees. It is a thick, milky white substance that is fed to the queen bees. It is meant to stimulate her growth, and development. The queen bee is able to have great longevity do to royal jelly, compared to all the other bees. It was used by ancient China, and Egypt. There is research showing how royal jelly can improve spatial learning, memory, and help protect cognitive function. It has also been proven to stimulate neurogenesis, or the creation of new brain cells.





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