5 Steps to Create Unstoppable Momentum for the New Year

1. Set and withhold standards

Standards are the bench marks that we have for ourselves in our lives. They are things that we will and won’t accept. In order to create standards, we must first start with the mind. Our mind is where they are all born. Go through each area of your life and see if there is anything that is not worthy, of you, your goals and values. If there is, make adjustments, or eliminate it.

2. Set S.M.A.R.T. goals

Many of us have new years resolutions, but few of us follow through. This is probably because the way were going about it. We don’t have a clear plan, and we tend to take the kitchen sink approach. When we do this, we set ourselves up for failure. Setting S.M.A.R.T. (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time bound) goals is a great way to accomplish what you want. Right goals as if you already have them, then do what it takes to get there. Know your why and write out all the steps. Research shows you are mush more likely to accomplish your goals if you write them down.

3. Build a team

If we are going to accomplish anything great, it’s going to be with and through the help of other people. We can not do success alone. You can be sweet for a while, but you can truly change the world with a superhero team. Find like minded people in places where they would be. Go to where people grow and lift each other up.

4. Have an anchor

An anchor is something you can hold on to in the face of hard times. Your anchor will set you free because you have a firm place to stand. Those with a why can endure almost any how. When you set goals, you will probably be excited in the beginning, but challenges will enviably come up, and our anchor will help us keep going.

5. Boss up

This is the concept of taking control of your own life. Taking 100 percent responsibility for everything that happens and everything that doesn’t happen. Good or bad, we get to decide what happens next. This is the year where you get to decide what happens. No more fear, no more average. Be the change you want to see in the world. We become the model through every action that we take, and we help move the world in that direction.

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